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Rosie Dimanovic

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Everything posted by Rosie Dimanovic

  1. Si le problème persiste même en rectifiant la physic, j'ai une autre solution à proposer. J'ai déjà rencontré ce problème. Si chaque objet ont été créé séparément et qu'un matérial a été ajouté; et si chaque objet on été ensuite joint, alors il y aura ce problème de texture qui ne se place pas correctement. Je te propose de nettoyer ton mesh final en retirant tous les material. Puis recréer tes material. Il faut savoir que le premier material que tu appliques s'assigne automatiquement à l'ensemble de ton mesh. C'est un peu comme si, il prenait en compte l'ensemble des données de ton mesh. Et c'est seulement après le premier material appliqué que tu vas créer les autres material. Donc, si tu as créé un material pour chaque mesh bien distinct, quand tu joints (ctrl+j) et bien dans sl, il ne sait plus reconnaitre quel est le material initial. Ca arrive aussi quand on duplique avec des material déjà créé, il faut faire très attention à ne pas dupliquer en object mode, mais le faire en edit mode. J'espère que cette solution apportera une solution à ton problème. If the problem persists even correcting physic , I have another solution to propose. I have encountered this problem . If each object were created separately and a Material was added , and if each object we were then joined , then there will be the problem of texture that does not fit properly . I suggest you clean your final mesh removing any material . Then recreate your material . You should know that the first material that you apply automatically assigns all of your mesh. It's almost as if it took into account all the details of your mesh. And it is only after the first material applied you 'll create other material . So if you created a material for each distinct mesh, when you joined (ctrl + j) and well in sl , he does not know recognize what is the initial material . It also happens when you duplicate with material already created, it must be very careful not to duplicate in object mode, but do it in edit mode. I hope that this solution will provide a solution to your problem.
  2. Hello, I am a victim of injustice. It brought me 50 items for breach of intellectual property without sending me email. Why ? The items were horses avatars Mesh, I was the first out of quadripedes mesh. I've even created by me from A to Z. I paid every month for my creation is put on the front page. My first publications avatar horse Mesh date of 2012. Please help me understand what I did wrong?
  3. Hello, There is always a problem with "add relatem item" - it works with older products, but it does not work on items that I put on sale since March 7, 2013. When I want to connect my avatar mesh Elephant, I do not list out even using "Search by product name or SKU." I tried several search engine: Firestorm, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer. But still no answer from the list of products in the inventory. My concern is that I want to add accessories to the elephant avatar mesh, and right now I'm waiting ... thank you in advance for your attention
  4. Hello, Inventory marketplace related item : Since yesterday I can not connect my item using the "add related item" when I enter the SKU name, there am no list and even if I do not name the product ca n 'display any product. Is this a bug in the inventory marketplace?
  5. Hello, In the category full avatar add a sub category: Creature or imaginary creature ? Could there be a category: Avatar Mesh? I created a mesh avatar baby and little by little I'm going to make clothes, is it possible that there is a class in teaching children with my creation: BabyloO?
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