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slavegirlmartine Klaar

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Everything posted by slavegirlmartine Klaar

  1. I'm wondering if i can add a extra email to the account. Let me explain. I'm on a age something can happen to me so i won't be able to access my account. How can i give access to my SL partner so she can close or manage my account. Sure i can give my password, but i prefer other way.
  2. I use a free web-tv. When i go to you tube i like to log in with my account. Telling me the browser is out of date or unsafe. How can I update the browser. Also I like to change the start page to you-tube. I can't see a skript or so. Can any help me out here? Thanks Martine
  3. I get the error "login failed, DNS could not resolve the host name" This wehen logging with the linden viewer, Other viewer works but missing textures at others, so they stay grey., when rebaking I have the error "" unable to load asset" Please can you help.
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