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Tuinol Shuffle

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Everything posted by Tuinol Shuffle

  1. Funnily enough I was thinking about this the other day. I've loads of inventory gear that I haven't seen available on the grid for years, of all kinds of perms. Old Warhead and Rebel-produced clothes, novelty and downright weird items, and the (then) mandatory box of 244 copybotted hair-dos. I even have a 'BLEEP the SLPD' tee - if you can remember those guys, you're ancient :matte-motes-sarcasm: I don't purposely collect items, but I'm glad I kept hold of them - there really was a lot of amazing creativity pre-mesh era. I guess many of these creations didn't survive the transition from XStreet to Marketplace, plus many creators have left or withdrawn particular items. Plus, quite a few weapons got banned over the years. I suppose the closest we've got to a SL mini-museum is the sim with free copies of all Arcadia Asylum's creations.
  2. Sorry, I think this line is the best written on SL Forums, ever: If the victim chooses abortion, this procedure in done in the presence of whoever else is in the room. What makes this even more disgusting is the abortion equipment makes a loud sucking noise during the procedure.
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