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txwalrus Petrovic

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  1. As a designer, the work to do rig for each body is the same, while the weighting is the same on several of the bodies the geometry is not. Maitreya - 1 body Belleza - 3 bodies eBody - was one, now is 2 Eve - 2 bodies Tonic - 2 bodies TMP - just one - but how many people wear TMP So, 1 body for the best seller - 1 times the work. I understand why folks design for Maitreya alone.
  2. Thanks Whirly - it seems the definition of keyword spamming is a bit loose - here's what I see for a top, so I guess you are right (all the items use the same keywords) <meta name="keywords" content="dress,mesh dress,black,fit,fitted,fitmesh,top,HUD,skirt, shirt,maitreya,tmp,belleza,slink,pink,red,bottom,body,sexy,original,women,clothes,item,hourglass,freya,isis,blueberry,white,blue,latex,leather"/>
  3. When ever I go to the MP I like to see what is new - so I search without putting anything in the search box - the default sort is Relevance Ranking - try it and see what you get? The same vendor is always at the top with multiple listings. I would pay good money to get that kind of product placement!! Some things make a lot of sense - several popular things for L$1 and of course, Omega appliers. I can understand that - but a simple dress for L$240 that is at the top of the relevance rankings? There is another merchant with high relevance rankings and strangely enough uses the exact same keywords. Can someone please explain why these items are so relevant to a blank string search?
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