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Kasabian Robonaught

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  1. Who: Zombies of decent quality (skin, clothes, maybe a zomby-ish pose or something). It's a PG region, so no nudity please; What: Short (10-15 minutes, depending) photo shoot; When: Tuesday, September 27, 12 pm (noon) SLT. Shoot will begin promptly, no late-comers please. Where: Just north of the West Channel Island Asylum in Bay City ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bourne/171/29/29 ) Why: The Bay City Bugle, western Sansara's leading source for yellow journalism, is [predicatably] putting together a Halloween issue of the paper. The headline story concerns the alleged quarantine of Bay City West (nobody ever goes over there so who'd contradict such a claim); How (to participate): Send me a notecard with your name before the shoot. Walk-on zombies are also welcome, but will not be compensated with L$. As in real life, there will be a limit to how many zombies I will accomodate, so if I hit that limit I'll let you know and send you the non-L$ compensation anyways. How (much): Zombies who send me a notecard ahead of time will recieve 75 L$ for their participation. All zombies will receive tattoo layer rotten teeth (immediately) and a single-issue copy of the Bay City Bugle - Zombie edition (after the issue has been published). Many thanks, Kasabian Robonaught Editor, Bay City Bugle
  2. I've been selling an item of mine through a friend's marketplace store, but recently decided to start up my own shop. Is it possible for my friend to transfer an item - customer reviews and all - to another marketplace store? The backdoor solution: is it possible for my friend to have items from my store listed and linked as "related items" beneath an item description from her store? I know that I can easily ask her to unlist her item and for me to drop the item in my magic box and then just copy and paste all the text and images, etc, etc. That's easy... BUT what i really want to keep is the customer reviews and, if possible, the specific web address for the item. Thanks.
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