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Kennedy Gearz

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Everything posted by Kennedy Gearz

  1. If Only LL were as concerned with people that play by the rules in SL...the way they quickly tag an innapropriate listing on Marketplace, or update their UI needlessly or the coutnless other things they fix, change and monitor. I'm so jaded by the whole thing. I feel like their attention is pointed at all the wrong spots. I understand that some things need monitoring, updating etc...but they are ignoring things that are most important. In further investigation on my own, I've found out this guy who hacked me used an illegal viewer. Why aren't they doing anything to stop use of these? This guy used my RL money...but all they do is refund it? No investigation? Nothing? There is an ENTIRE website dedicated to people this guy has hacked. Bragging about what he's done, exposing people...with RL Information, etc. But LL Does nothing about that either. I just don't get it. It's like they try to just sweep this stuff under the rug...
  2. This is probably why LL is refusing to roll me back...cause I'm probably one of many requesting this. OMG what a nightmare......
  3. I logged in today to find that someone hacked my account, took all my money, bought more, deleted my entire inventory, deleted all my friends, all the bloggers I had in my store group, ruined my avatar, unpartnered me from my sl husband, and LL said: Thank you for contacting Linden Lab. Regrettably, we will be unable to perform a rollback to recover the missing inventory items. However, we have refunded the unauthorized transactions to your account. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. I'd seriously rather have my inventory back as it's 3 years of building, and textures for my store. I wrote again begging them to reconsider, but I haven't heard anything yet. I'm so lost and upset I don't know what to do. I've been reading about people who have had or know someone who've had their account rolled back, but what do I do to get LL to do this?
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