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Leane Kanya

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  1. Good morning, I'm having trouble getting into SL this morning. Yesterday was normal. I opened the front door to a new version, but I can not come in to give up normal and I went to the fire storm, but I will not go in, is there anything?
  2. o meu notbook esta agora com windows 10 e não abre o jogo, diz que os drives estao desatualizado. Me ajudem, por favor!!
  3. Hello, I'm having problems with my feed. Now to leave because nobody see a problem which you do not know why I can not in my feed and delete anything besides everything in my feed have another person with her ​​name and picture of her ... I want to help please ... I leave my feed open for all to see what I'm talking about. This is not correct and within my feed from my profile have a picture and name of another person and even worse'm not able to delete my feed ... thank you
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