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Nishanth Neiro

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  1. An Update . . . My friends response, after logging into 'Smith' I went to my last destination, which was , "KIRKBY 215, 238, 39. And out of the blue I saw my NAME TAG right next to my head (for me, I normally don't see my name tag, cuz I have mine turned off, so I knew it was my ghost) and for a split second I merged with it. I was in flying mode and it was like my mouse went crazy and I flew at a straight angle for about 2-5 sec....From that point on I have been able to log off and on with out any problems. So HUGE thanks to Peewee.Musytari and thanks also to River Brimm I have one Very happy friend back on SL. Thanks again guys (hugs) Nish
  2. TY Riv, I have also passed on your advice, her AV (as far as we can tell) is in a Linden owned area, so not as easy to get a re-start, unfortunatly. Ty for your advice, I will keep you posted as to how she get's on. Thanks again Nish
  3. I have passed on the information, Thank-you very much, I will let you know how she get's on. Thanks again for the suggestions on behalf of both myself and my 'Ghosted' freind. Nish
  4. Hi all I've decided to call on you lovely people to try to help a freind who's been ghosted now for 5 days. We kind of know her location, although she appears to be flying between 2 points.(Kirky 215,238,39) is one point, I have tried to 'pay' her to bump her offline, with no effect. She isn't a premium account holder so we have tried via another friend to contact live help. No resolution, thus far. I recieved some great advice here before regarding a similar problem I had myself, Marigold Devlin worked tireless with me to resolve my 'Issue' and lot's of you gave great advice. So any suggestions will be gratefully recieved. Thanks in advance Nish
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