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Gala Caproni

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Posts posted by Gala Caproni

  1. And now a new problem encountered with mesh...... a club I frequent, recently asked the management team, how do we deal with avatars who come in wearing mesh clothing/avatars that the majority of our club goers can not see, and when unrezzed are the size of a small car? 

    Well... that is an interesting dilemma for sure..... as a club owner, they are concerned about the chatter (as there has already been a few arguments in the club over mesh) and more so, concerned over space on the dance floor.  The avatar in mesh does not see a problem, so they don't get it.  But to the rest of us... they are walking/dancing around with a giant car/donut on their body attacking everyone else on the dance floor, because they do not see how big that mesh thing is on them.  They have no reason to believe they are encroaching on anothers "personal space".  So, what is a club owner to do?  Do you say "sorry, no mesh clothing/avatars allowed until we are mostly on mesh veiwers?"  Do you kindly ask those that are encroaching on others space to remove the mesh or leave?  Do you stay out of it, and let it drive other customers away because they don't like being whomped by a big mesh ball?

    I wonder how its being handled elsewhere?

  2. Oh really.. its not NEARLY that organized!... I have about 100 notes i need to read and delete!  And my new purchase folder is about ready to burst!  I tried to organize better one time... I took a week off from my RL job and got about 1/3 of the way through my clothes in an entire week.... i wanted to cry.....

  3. Ok.. I'll bite.... It will be a cold day in hell before Gala loses her ass to fit into a mesh dress......

    Now, that being said, let me explain.  I worked hard to make her an individual.  I do not use a store bought shape for my body and I do not want a clothing designer to tell me how my body should look.  I do not want to be in what I feel is a cookie cutter design of a dress.  I DID try on some mesh dresses and pants and while yes, they move well with the body, I had to make my shape smaller to fit into even the "big girl" size, which I thought was kind of funny, since I see MANY avatars way larger than mine.  I don't want to be a stepford wife! AND... I like my skirt to SWIRL... mesh does not swirl, although I did see a mesh dress at Son!a that she added prim skirt to, to get that effect, but of course, it won't move with you the way the mesh does.. and the mesh won't swirl....

    Now.... I think there is a place for mesh in the clothing world... those boots you showcased are AMAZING!!!! and if I have to shave 4 or 5 muscle points off my legs to fit them, so be it (I would pay anyone who could tell I did that).  Shoes, handbags, glasses, jewelry, hair, scarves, belts... in general.. accessories... that is where I think mesh fits into the clothing world.

    OK, my 2 cents worth.... any other takers?

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  4. I am a surf the pics kinda gal.... I'll go to one of the feeds and scan it if i'm looking to shop.  Then when I find something I like I'll stop to really look at the picture.  Hopefully there is a front and back view of the outfit, along with a full view and a top view close up.  I like SLURL's but not necessary, I can search just fine.  What I really like SLURL's for is location shots.  I usually shoot my fashion shots in my studio, but I like to do landscape photography and sometimes I see places I would love to shoot when perusing fashion blogs and SLURL's for those are usually critical.

    I am not a very wordy person when I blog.  I try to say what I like about an outfit or why I chose to style it the way I did. But I try to let the images show what a great look it is.  And everything I blog is something I LOVE and am wearing out on the grid.  

    The exception to the above is A Passion for Virtual Fashion, Harper Beresford's blog.  She is WAY more wordy than I am, but I love the stories she weaves for her posts.  And her pictures are AMAZING!

  5. Oh.. and accessories...


    • purses and bags
    • scarfs and gloves
    • hats
    • jewelry
    • masks
    • shoes
    • miscellaneous

    But I think i further need to break down shoes into styles - for example, boots, flats and heels

  6. If I had a YEAR, maybe i could redesign my inventory.... right now I just sort by designer... when i first purchase or recieve something it goes in my "new purchases folder". When that becomes unmanagable... I sort it to my regular inventory.... which looks something like this....

    Body Parts

    • Skin and Shape
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Lashes
    • Nails
    • Makeup
    • Tattoos


    • Designer names plus sub categories as follows
    • Beachwear
    • Costumes
    • Lingerie

    Every folder is sub sorted by designer.. BUT... I have to admit... i have a hard time finding stuff that I want if I can't remember who made it.  I would love to sort things by SEASONS!  I did have a formal folder.. then abandoned it.. but I think I'm going to bring that one back....  I need a secretary to manage my closet!!!!!

    Then of course I have my regular folders for poses, building stuff, textures etc....


    PS.. Thank you Cajsa, I got my sig line to work!!!



  7. That's really not a fedora, its more like a pith helmet.... i would purchase a hair from Truth, as he sells LOTS of long braids, then add a pith helmet you find.  Do edit linked parts on the hair and push all the parts you don't want showing, inside the head - you can also shrink them down to tiny little prims so they don't move and poke out anywhere. One other thing Truth does is sell his longer styles that have a lower section... so the long braid might link to the spine.. and be ONLY that part.. that might be an option as well.  And his hairs ARE mod... I mod them ALL the time.

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