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Sensation Barrymore

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Everything posted by Sensation Barrymore

  1. Thx for the info! I'm glad it wasn't suspended then that's all I was worried about really I had no intention of having anything up that was offensive.
  2. Well I deleted anything that could have been seen as inappropriate. Is there someone I can contact in SL about this to find out if my account has really been suspended? And also wouldn't my account on the website say Account Status: Suspended if it was in fact suspended? Cause right now it says Account Status: Active
  3. Well I'm on SL now so it's why I wondered if the email is a scam. Also what would be considered inappropriate on my profile? Using bad language? Cause if that's the case I can delete that stuff.
  4. Hi. Today I recieved this email from what appears to be Linden Labs saying that my account has been suspended & I'm not sure exactly why. I'm able to get in SL so I'm thinking it could be a phishing scam. But of course if it is indeed suspended I wanna know why & how to fix it so I can be able to continue playing...cause I didn't intend to do anything wrong. Here's what the email says: Dear Sensation Barrymore, This email is notification of action regarding your Second Life account, Sensation Barrymore, for violation of the Second Life Terms of Service or Community Standards. Violation: Indecency: Global Standards: Profile Resident profiles, as a global feature visible to all users, must adhere to the community standards that are defined for a PG Region. Please ensure that your profile is in compliance with the PG standards. Action: No additional action is being taken at this time. Appeal Process: The decision to suspend your Second Life access was reached after investigation of your use of the Second Life software and service. If you would like to appeal your suspension, you may contact Second Life Support, in writing, at the address below: Attn: Account Reviews: Appeals Linden Lab 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 You may also appeal electronically by filing a support ticket at http://www.secondlife.com/support For more information on this process, please see this KnowledgeBase article http://bit.ly/hBIjz Please provide relevant information that you believe would explain the above violation. Linden Lab reserves sole discretion in considering whether to take any action on an appeal. Sincerely, Linden Lab
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