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Jordan Giant

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Everything posted by Jordan Giant

  1. Hello. - I don't like to use inworld voice. So I don't care if those vivox logfiles are kind of important. :matte-motes-dont-cry: But I would love it, if sl could stop creating them. - they spamming a main folder on my Mac, if I can't make sl stop creating them, can I change the path where to put them? - so they won't bother me anymore. Would be pretty fine, if someone knows an answer. Thanks in advance.
  2. thank you so much ladies. for the offical viewer i tried update to mountain lion, delete the viewer, cleared cache, checked internet ( i am on cable ) its not the fastest connection but worked well the last years. - but the problem is still there. i checked my ping and it 238ms .. but the same is with phoenix so i guess that wont be the problem. but after the mountain lion update it feels like phoenix isn't that slow anymore. seems like i have to get used to a new viewer. hurraaay :matte-motes-nerdy:
  3. hej there guys, i thought of trying this opportunity because i have no clue and patience anymore. i use the official viewer, because i love the simple interface and i am used to it. but now the official viewer starts to rebake every second so does the beta viewer too. in the beginning my avatar only started to rebake every second, so i turned off http textures and it seemed like the problem was solved but now whole secondlife rebakes but my avatar is still fine. i tried cleared cache trough the viewer itself and manually. but the problem is still there. so i used firestorm ( i dislike the interface much) and the problem don't appear on firestorm. now i would say,... anyways i will get used to the interface. buuuut firestorm is soooo darn slow. i turned grafics to the lowest point and it still feels like i am on a full sim. but all the textures are loading proper and staying fully loaded and not a single one keeps on rebaking, but like i said it feels like laggin badly. i will share my computer stats, but i think its not a prob of the computer, well at least i hope so. :( iMac, 3,6 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, ATI Radeon HD 5670 512 MB so hopefully someone can help and know how i can solve one of the problems,... like a) that the official viewer stops rebaking all the time or b) the firestorm isn't that slow. thank you.
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