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kyte Lanley

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Everything posted by kyte Lanley

  1. Your testimonies are very interesting, it's nice to see that my call for more testimonials from AMD card owners has been heard. it appears that for all games (except Second Life) AMD has better performance (better in rasterization) but lacks optimization because of its drivers. Concerning Second Life, you completely agree that Nvidia cards perform much better than AMD. It's a shame because AMDs are cheaper and have more RAM (7800xt 16 GB compared to 12 GB for the 4070 RTX). Continue to give your feelings, I'm interested.
  2. Very interesting, this means that the 7900 XTX performs worse than a 4070 RTX (which is equivalent to the 3080) in Second Life. I think I can give you the Oscar for most informative testimony 😄.
  3. Thank you for your testimony Wulfie, I know I'm asking a little too much of you but have you had the opportunity to compare the performance of your AMD cards with Nvidia?
  4. Thank you for your testimony Wulfie, I know I'm asking a little too much of you but have you had the opportunity to compare the performance of your ATI cards with Nvidia?
  5. No, not at all, it's just that I never base my choice on a single opinion. I'm counting on it but with full knowledge of the facts 🙂 You're right, it is better to wait, because Nvidia is worried about the catastrophic sales of its 4070 and especially the release of its most dangerous competitor, the 7800 xt. Now here in France the cheapest of the 4070 RTX is €649 (it's just 100 euros too expensive for this card). At AMD it's barely better, the 7800 xt which on its first day of sale was at €570 is now at €600.
  6. For the moment I have only had one testimonial from a 7000 series owner and he was not in favor of the AMD card due to a lack of stability. I don't think there are many testimonials. I have the impression that owners of AMD cards are disappointed by the behavior of this card in Second Life. I'm waiting for more than just one miserable testimony to give me an idea.
  7. gwynchisholm you haven’t answered me yet what card do you have? So if I understand correctly Second Life uses Open GL 4.6 contrary to what you said.
  8. Oh well I didn't know that and what does Second Life use today? What AMD or Nvidia card do you have and what are your feelings?
  9. Thank you for your testimony, I see that you are still not very satisfied with the 7900 XTX because of the instability of these drivers in certain games. Clearly AMD still has drivers as bad as they were a few years ago. It's really not easy to make a choice, between Nvidia whose drivers are very stable overall which offer DLSS (when will it be on Second Life) but which are much too expensive and which have less memory and AMD which is more efficient by 5 to 8% overall which are much cheaper (100 € in France) but whose drivers according to your testimony are too unstable. Will your next graphics card be an AMD or will you go back to Nvidia? Just a wish but that won't happen given Nvidia's policy it would be a 4070 super 16 GB of RAM and a 256 bit bus at €650 (we can dream, right?) Continue to post testimonials regarding AMD cards, I'm interested in having several opinions
  10. Ah finally an owner of 7900 XTX if I understood correctly. Could you give me your feelings: Is this GPU stable on Second Life? Do you have any crashes? Do the textures load well? In short, everything you can say about his behavior on Second Life.
  11. I put this graph in my other post and it's what made me take an interest in AMD's 7000 series because until then the performance under Open GL was catastrophic on AMD. The only problem is that this graph concerns version 4.5 of open GL, what about version 4.6 ? I am still waiting for the feelings of a 7000 series owner on their experience on Second Life only because on other games I know that the AMD 7000 series is superior to Nvidia in terms of performance/price
  12. Hello everyone, I'm looking for opinions from owners of 7800xt 7900xt 7900xtx to know how their AMD cards behave in Second Life. I would like to know if they are stable and if the performance is worth that of nvidia in Second Life only. Thank you for your answers.
  13. Je pense que je vais plutôt créer un nouveau Topic centré uniquement sur les nouvelles 7000 de chez AMD pour voir si je peux avoir des réponses. Ce sera plus clair. Encore merci pour ton aide et tes réponses Henri
  14. Oui mais le problème c'est que je ne peux pas éditer mon premier post car je n'ai pas l'option éditer : https://imgur.com/a/0V2r3f8 Je n'ai la fonction éditer que sur mon dernier message.
  15. J'ai beau chercher je ne trouve pas la fonction "éditer"
  16. J'ai lu ce passage mais il parle de modèles avant la génération 7000 qui avait des performances lamentables en Open GL Bonne idée mais il faut que je recrée un topic dans ce cas non ?
  17. Merci à tous pour vos réponses. La seule chose qui me gène dans les réponses que vous m'avez donné ainsi que le lien de Henri Beauchamp c'est que quand vous parlez des mauvaises performances des cartes AMD cela ne concerne celle des générations avant les 7000. Hors on voit bien dans le tableau que j'ai posté dans mon premier message que les cartes AMD de la génération 7000 ont de très bonnes performances en Open GL. C'est pour cela que j'aimerais avoir le témoignage de quelqu'un qui possède une 7900 (xt ou xtx) pour qu'il me dise comment sa carte se comporte sur Second Life. Avis donc aux possesseurs de ces cartes, j'attends vos témoignages.
  18. Je te remercie pour ta réponse j'attends d'autres commentaires pour voir si les autres avis vont aussi dans ton sens.
  19. Bonjour à tous, J'hésite entre ces deux cartes graphiques pour ma future config et j'aimerais avoir des témoignages de possesseurs de ces deux cartes pour savoir quelle est la meilleure sur Second Life. Je me rappelle que les anciennes cartes AMD n'avaient pas des performances exceptionnelles en raison de leur mauvaise gestion de l'open GL mais apparemment les nouvelles 7000 sont revenues au niveau des Nvidia et les ont même dépassées : Je fais donc appel aux possesseurs de ces 2 cartes pour savoir quelle est celle qui se comporte le mieux sur Second Life.. Pour terminer j'aimerais savoir quel sont les meilleurs processeurs pour Second Life INTEL ou AMD ? Merci pour vos réponse.
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