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Yhishara Cerise

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Posts posted by Yhishara Cerise

  1. On 2/17/2022 at 12:31 PM, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

    it's either a display name or an account you forgot about.........................................


    how do I know this? I got a similar email just before my own rezzday back in December.


    And what was the result? Well, I've recovered several accounts of yesteryear that I'd lost to time.


    Maybe treat it as a positive thing? you might be surprised by the results - I know that I certainly was ^^


    Update: couple people messaged me inworld asking about this - when I got the email, I did the "forgot my password" link and was able to answer the secret question and regain the account.  Then was a case of looking at the calling cards etc.  Also took some major mega pestering of Support when I couldn't answer some of the secret questions (thanks Support!!!, passed that mega awesome thank you to SuperTom) who helped me to verify my claims.

    I don't think so.  I looked into the avatar name in world and there are two of them - and one with numbers after the name.  If I create an alt it's always with a name with no numbers.   So I don't think that particular avatar is mine but it is concerning that it was my email address. 

  2. I don't expect anyone I message in the real world or in Second Life to respond back immediately.  In Second Life, sure, the avatar might be right there in front of me but I don't see the person running the avatar.  Same goes in the real world.  I find it's only rude when I am actually standing with the physical person and I am talking to them and they aren't responding.  It's all so randomized - I never know when someone is going to send me an IM so how can I plan to be at the keyboard to respond to it?  So if I decide to leave my avatar on and go to the grocery store, play with the cat, take a nap, clean the kitchen or make a phone call during a quiet moment, people shouldn't get upset.   It would be hypocritical of me to get upset at others for doing the same thing.   

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jules Catlyn said:

    At the end they mention that the new owners of that digital world shut down that world for 2 days a week.On Tuesday and Thursday. So people dont forget their RL life. This might be an unpopular opinion but i would not be opposed to Second Life being down one day a week. I am curious what others think.

    What if people only have the time to log in to Second Life on the one day they choose to do this?    They have thousands of residents all logging in at times when they are able to  because they already have full busy real life schedules.  There are games that bring the servers down for maintenance and that sometimes means people have to reschedule their plans and that's okay once in a while.  If it's a regular thing they will simply find something else to do for their personal downtime.   I don't know though - I guess I just figure that companies like Linden Labs shouldn't be playing the role of counsellor, police, and moral compass for our real lives.  When in world - sure they can govern things like our conduct but I think it crosses a line when they say "You can only be logged in for this long and then we are cutting you off out of concern for your well being."  To me that just comes across as fake.  They aren't really concerned about our mental or physical wellbeing.   That concern is OUR responsibility not theirs. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Pixels Sideways said:


    Anyone who depends on SL to "make a living" is foolish at best.

    LL created a platform and a currency for people to play with.  LL is not obligated to be the sole foundation for anyone who chooses to engage in commerce in SL in order to "make a living."

    Making money in SL is encouraged because it feeds the LL beast that keeps the game engine running and generates profits for LL.  There is a cyclic dependency in that but LL holds all the cards and those who engage in commerce in SL to make money do not.

    LL could fold up shop tomorrow and nothing would happen to them as they are undoubtedly indemnified six ways from Sunday legally. And for those who have invested significantly and built a business on a house of cards, they will be left with nothing and no legal recourse.  It's in the TOS which no one reads because why be bothered with that knowledge.

    Creating a dependence on income derived in SL is a huge gamble with significant risks because you have zero control over the decisions the company you are floating your business on makes.


    Linden Labs sunsetting SL fills me with a cold dread.  BUT it won't be the first time an online world I enjoyed being a part of folded and even though I have spent probably far more money than I should have - I enjoyed my time here. So that's what I have learned: even if it ends - i will have some good memories and that's probably all we really should try to hold onto.  


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  5. 2 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Indeed. I kept coming back to anc's store for a year and rolling one or two times to get the mermaid princes. You have to know how to talk to gatcha machines, show them whose boss, and one way is to come for a year, playing once only, and another is to look them in the eye and tell them the rare better come now, or else, on the spot. People are so wishy-washy.

    ANC was one gacha machine I  wouldn't play.   I was looking for one rare and the odds of getting it were ridiculous.  After spending far more than the item was worth, I vowed never to play their machines again.   That taught me a valuable lesson.  I may really like gachas but sometimes playing them for the prizes that are in them just isn't worth the cost.    I suppose the good thing is that I am probably not in danger of being addicted to gambling because I know when to just walk away lol 

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  6. 1 hour ago, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian said:

    Presumably, some people would then buy the fatpack to break it into pieces for selling on the marketplace individually. As somebody said somewhere in earlier in this thread, I'd rather give that money to the creator. So, if a creator would like that money...we're back to selling things the time honoured way...

    Actually, for every item in a store, I think it would be great to have two options to buy an item: one that is copy/no transfer, and one that is no copy/ transfer (I think I have seen some stores that do that).

    They wouldn't be tradeable. I would much rather buy from the creator too. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    Quite so, and if LL did business only in the US you might well have a point.

    However, since LL's customer base is world-wide, providing electronic goods and services to many jurisdictions, they find themselves subject not only to US law but also to the laws of Australia, Japan, EU and EEA jurisdictions, the UK and elsewhere, to the extent they do business there.     

    These laws, civil and criminal, are enforceable not in California but in the local jurisdiction, whose courts can, and will if necessary, enforce fines and other financial penalties through local banks and payment processors (credit card companies and PayPal) who hold payments from local residents destined for Tilia.

    So even if LL's new owners were prepared even to contemplate flouting the law in this way,  it would rapidly become very difficult for them to send or receive funds overseas, and I doubt Mastercard, Visa, PayPal and Skrill would want to do business with them in the US either, which would be the end for Tilia and LL both.

    Anyway, one way or another, it's done deal. 

    I agree with this.  If the anti gacha laws started in - I want to say Belgium - but I could be wrong - then as a company that has an international reach then the legal team for Linden Labs should have been telling them, "We can't do that because we have an international base and in some places this is illegal and other countries are looking into the legalities of it as well."  Then they could have banned them a long time ago.   Or they could have taken a 'wait and see' approach to see how many companies were okay with it and then took it from there.  But they let it go to far when they should have proceeded with caution and said no a long time ago.  Then we wouldn't be dealing with this today. 

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Aria Fae said:

    The gacha system was never created as a way for creators to earn mega bucks from it. It started off as a way of putting items that you may not have been able to sell to your regular customers ..... do you own a normal clothing store but really want to make a cosplay set .. or a pet Llama ..... or a gun that shoots rainbows ... put it into a gacha as a fun little extra for people to buy.

    Now everything seems to be gacha, even items that have no sense in being gacha..... like splitting a normal clothing item set up into six pieces for each color...... 


    I have to admit your post confuses me. 

    When Purplemoon was open Poulet  released fantasy items as well as regular releases and people raved about all of it.   the same goes for Izzie's who released fun little items along with the skins, makeups and cosmetic enhancements. I guess it just confuses me that if someone likes a creators work and the creator wants to branch out a bit, I think their customers would look at it as a bit of fun and be into it.   If they really don't like it they won't buy but that shouldn't stop a creator from building and releasing what they want.   That's just sad.  They have to have fun in SL too.  

    I do agree with the sentiment about people putting things into gachas that shouldn't be gachas.  I hated the hair ones.  Or the ones where it was one item but 15 colors.  Just release one item and have a texture change HUD.  Or release items that go with that one item (like if it was a car release other stuff to go with it).  

    • Like 2
  9. 15 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:


    • You can not cash dump a ton of money into original vendor like gachas to spam the machine and roll many times for a rarity. Nixing that gambler itch. You must wait for the animals to breed, however long that takes. Yes, you can just get more but you still wait regardless.


    Very well thought out post but I disagree with the statement above: 

    Just because you have a wait time rather than instant doesn't change that the outcome isn't known at the time of payment.  You might have some idea (like looking at a gacha key) but it doesn't guarantee that's what you are going to get.  

  10. 14 hours ago, Leannyn said:

    Are blind loot boxes like Powder Pack going to be banned as well? They're the same thing. You play x amount of Lindens  and you have no idea what's inside until you open it. You only know which creators made the things for the month. Same thing? Or not? 

    I asked the same question.  If your question hasn't been answered yet, from what people told me here they now offer a preview so you can see the items included in the pack at the time of purchase. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Irina Forwzy said:

    For that, just put the gacha items out into regular events. Most people don't buy fatpacks.  And see the 2k pricetag with trepidation. Even if they were to spend 2.5k in the fatpack. So yeah they may get 2 fatpack sales per day, but that maybe 1/4th their revenue for that day. And they have to pay a very large amount to event owners (which I am looking at as part of the reason why this got out of hand).  So it the ROI wouldn't be enough.

    Gachas to me were/are a bit different because of how they were introduced.  The goal of it is to complete a themed collection. And people were willing to do that when it came to them (as evidenced by the amount selling "FULL PACK PLUS RARE!'s"  on the Marketplace.  So you're right - while people would balk at the price of a normal item being sold that way the items in gachas  were viewed a bit differently because it was accepted that the full set would come at a higher price.   And that's what this event would be based on: selling full sets of things.  If a person hates fatpacks then this event probably wouldn't be for them but many might be interested.   And as for return on investment, the people that would spend the money on gachas probably have a higher likelihood of going to this event  as well.  Unless of course it was just resellers.  

    We have never had an event of this nature before and at worst it falls flat, at best it becomes a success for those that love gacha collections.  

  12. 2 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

    Wise advice, not doubt, but we are at that bridge, and it appears many have not actually saved up for a rainy day (which now they're learning might not have been a wise option, we live and we learn) This is part of the problem, not only are we at that bridge, but once we cross the other side, the whole area is going to get blown up leaving behind an enormous crater much larger than the bridge. We cannot go back, we cannot rebuild a new bridge, we need to press on.

    These replacement machine ideas are only really redesigns of the exact same bridge intended to cover that newly created crater but will all fall short of succeeding, and do nothing to preserve life moving forward. They're only going to cause the people focusing on them or desiring to use them, to wither away on the shore. Those who opt instead to keep pressing on and stop looking to remake a bridge that will never get built, will likely thrive. At it's core it's common sense, if you really want to boil it down. The longer you spend working on ideas that cannot and will not work, the less time you have for ones that do and will. 

    I agree that we need to adapt to this change and not try to just recreate something that will only lead to the same problems. 

    So perhaps we need a new event model instead.   When I went to The Epiphany today there were several vendors that had an option to buy the fatpack  of the gacha items and they included everything (including VIP rewards and exclusives).  So what if a new event featured only full collections and nothing sold as individual items? People would know going in that it's going to be pricey but, to be fair, so are gacha events and people seem to flock to them.  I know for myself if I like the collection or creator enough, the fatpack option is a great thing.  If it was a gacha then I would play until I got all the pieces I wanted or the whole thing. And if it was a straight purchase having the option just saved me from having to choose which colour/items I wanted most - especially if i liked it all.  

    I know some people would protest and say  "But I don't want the whole thing!" But we run into that issue now as well so it wouldn't really change anything. 

    The creators would have control over how many items they include in each pack as well: If they have a collection of 20 pieces they could break that down into smaller packs based on things like item type or colour or they could just set up the whole set as one purchase.   The only stipulation for the event to qualify is that nothing can be sold as a single colour or item.






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  13. On 5/21/2019 at 11:39 PM, deadlycreature1 said:

    Has anyone else had people in the game pass away in real life that you knew and liked? I have been to  a second life funeral of a person last year that went to jazz sim a lot that I  went to. The people showed his real life pic and sat in chairs and said on voice what they liked about him.I  went to a memorial of a animal breeder on sl who was also liked by a lot of people. people rode horses around a few laps in to remember her and say what they liked about her. a kittycats and biobreeds breeder recently passed away also in April. two sims have a memorial of her.  I  know this is a virtual world, but it is sad to see people pass away in real life. all three times I  heard from people who knew the person in real life. if any of you lost friends on here did you have a memorial also?

    Beatrice Serendipity.  She and Warm Clarity created the Ghee brand name some years ago but before that she was a very popular model.  

    The amazing woman behind that avatar passed away a few weeks ago. 


    Before that it was Bitch2Hunt4.  She worked for Carrie's Lingerie and was one of the sweetest people ever to log in to Second Life. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

    It's all-over Flickr and their site etc. Whats in every box usually. So it's not a blind box. People know what's inside. 

    I have bought very few PowderPacks and that was a very long time ago.  So I really have no idea what's on their Flickr or website as I never visit either one.   I know they took a break and then started them up again.  That's about all I know.   But thank you for the information. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Silas Merlin said:

    Ah, no I don't mean a group, because that is a one time payment, yes ?
    I mean an actual subscription as in you pay a fee every month to get every single item produced until the end of the month by the brand. (or maybe would work better if you pay one month for the next, so that you can't join in on a month that has already started?)
    legal question : can the items issued from a subscription be transfer (convertible for copy/mod) ?

    Sorry - I was being a bit facetious. 

    I think that would more fall into a partnership type of deal.  As in a blogger might agree to profile someone's work and get the items for free.  Or if you were a business partner where you did behind the scenes work (setting up vendors, setting up notices, taking care of customer service requests etc). 

  16. 8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Last I had heard, they do give preview of Powder Pack now.  It is irrelevant though, base on this, from the blog post:

    Q: How are subscription boxes affected?

    A: Subscription boxes are not affected as long as all subscribers are getting the same content box. Different items being sent to different subscribers on a chance basis is not allowed. 

    Ah - I understand.  Thanks Littleme. 


  17. 5 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

    Is Gacha gambling? Yes.  Is gambling illegal in the US of A where Linden Labs is based? Yes. Does it matter who or how many people want Gacha to continue? No.

    I enjoyed gachas.  I am okay with it going out of SL too.   There are a few details that concern me that I hope get worked out.  There were some creators that did amazing work on their gacha sets.  I really hope they will still offer them as a straight purchase as it would just be sad if they weren't available in the future.  But that is what is linked to my second concern and I have already mentioned it.  There was a suggestion here that because the sets were only released as a gacha item, event agreements may have been written so that the original creators would be prohibited from selling their own creations even in light of this ruling, and that we could only get them from gacha resellers.   Take out gacha,  that's fine.  Making it so that a creator can't even sell their work?  That's not so fine.  (And I am not even a creator). 

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  18. 7 minutes ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

    Someone mentioned a subscription like thing. We have that in SL already it's things like Powder Pack. Just wanted to say 😊

    I don't know if even that will be allowed because you don't know what you are getting really until the box goes live and get's delivered.  All you know upon purchasing is that it's for a particular mesh head.   I suppose they could give a preview when the announcement for the new pack is announced. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Silas Merlin said:

    Another alternative to gachas would be.... subscription.
    Paying a subscription to a given creator would give you all the items they produce that month, or the next, and there would be no other way to acquire those items at any time in the future.

    Would that be illegal because you would not know what you will get when you pay the subscription ?

    You mean like joining a group for $250 L with the promise of group gifts only to find the next group gift something you don't like or want?  You might like every other gift except that one.  

  20. 3 minutes ago, So Whimsy said:

    Back then countries did not ban this type of gambling so LL had absolutely no reason to ban it. It's a recent thing that's gaining more and more traction.


    Gacha's have been around for 8+ years. The ban? Much younger.

    From what I have seen criticism really started in 2017.  That's when Linden Labs should have given people a heads up that gacha's life span may be limited.   So why is this happening 4 years later?  

  21. 8 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

    Umm.. I didn't say I was saying how SL residents feel or the general population feel about the issue. I said that the countries (governments) that the majority of residents from second life reside are looking to ban them.

    I always got the impression that most of the userbase for SL resided in North America.   *shrugs* Who knew?

     I don't remember being asked as a resident of North America how I feel about gambling either.  Just for the record - once in a long while I might buy a scratch and win.  Even rarer still will I buy an actual lottery ticket.  Once I went into a casino because I needed to talk to a friend who was in one.  I've never played any of the games and I even worked at a place that had video lottery terminals (I never spent money in those either). The biggest reason is that I have never won anything and am not compensated in any way for my money.  I find them a complete waste of my time.  If they decided tomorrow to ditch any and all gambling I would have zero problem with it.

    I have never viewed gachas in SL the same way.  I always got something for the money I put into them.  It was always something for something.  So why would I be against it here? 

    Not only that but gachas were a very popular element in world for a long time.  As soon as it started gaining  popularity that's when Linden Labs should have put the kibosh on anything to do with it.  And they NEVER should have allowed events to focus around them if they were considered gambling in parts of the world.  I mean, it would be one thing if those laws had just gotten onto the books but this debate has been going on for a while.  

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  22. 1 hour ago, Drayke Newall said:

    Why would Linden Lab do this, wasting time and money they could use elsewhere when 90% of the world where 80% of Second Life's userbase reside is looking to ban gacha's and lootboxes etc?

    I don't remember ever seeing a poll regarding how SL residents feel about Gachas.  All I do know is that for events like the Arcade and The Epiphany it was incredibly rare and hard to get into those two events the first week their new rounds opened.  And whenever I visit the marketplace there were always a few gacha prizes that came up whenever I was looking for something.  And then there were the yard sale sims and gacha prize  trading groups to help people get the prizes they wanted or get rid of prizes they didn't.   Sounds to me that even if people said they loathed them, they still played them.    But of course, I could be wrong. 


  23. 4 hours ago, Romy Writer said:

    selling an item randomly in a vendor, is the same as selling a gacha. if you don't know what that random item is before you buy it, it would be considered a gacha

    That's true up to a point.  

    If I look at the gacha key on the machine it gives me all the items that will possibly be given to me if I put my Lindens in to play it.  So while yes, you don't know until you put those Lindens in what prize you will receive with that pull, you do already know the possibilities.  If you don't like most of the possibilities it would be better to just not play the machine or be okay with what items you will receive - because you are guaranteed something.    It's not like you are going to be playing a DRD gacha and a prize from Go! will pop out. 

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