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Laufiair Hexicola

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Posts posted by Laufiair Hexicola

  1. At one time I wanted to open a comic book & magazine store in-world and was doing what you're doing and the census was that material just don't exist no more unless you want to go through the process of doing it yourself. Some creators were kind but others told me to get lost. Hope that gives you an idea of what's what.


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  2. Got a reply back from the owner of the scripts and what i'm looking for isn't possible since there's no mime-type in SL for images to serve and I don't think there's a workaround for that. This can be deleted since I'm unable to do it myself.

    Thanks, Logan

  3. I recently purchased an item called Prim-DNS Server which creates a mini web server on your land(which is perfect for what i'm looking to do with it). However, I'm finding it difficult to display internal images with it and was curious if anyone had any experience with this or could point me in the right direction. The main file uses xhtml format however there's no way to refrence an uploaded image by name or UUID. I did attempt to reach out to the creator but never heard back.

    Thanks to anyone in advance, Logan

  4. Came across this in my inventory and may help you. You drop this into a prim and put the group's uuid into the prim's description(or you can hard code it if you're knowledgable enough to). -Logan

        list TempList = llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_GROUP]);
        key groupkey = llList2Key(TempList, 0);
        if (groupkey == NULL_KEY)
            llWhisper(0, "Set the Group for this object in EDIT under the GENERAL tab and be sure your Group is Open Enrollment.");
            llWhisper(0, "Click the link from Chat History (Ctrl+H) and then click on JOIN button! secondlife:///app/group/" + (string) groupkey + "/about");
            llSetText("Touch to Join\nour Group", <1, 1, 1>, 1.0); // white and opaque floating text, optional
        touch_start(integer total_number)


    • Thanks 1
  5. Many years ago I put together a giver script(user clicks on it, it gives an item) that only needed to be two menu's and is considered to be dirty because of the calls. I'm looking to expand the script beyond two menu's and can't seem to figure out how to script a Next Button that scales with the menu's beyond two menu's. If someone could point me in a direction i'd appreciate it.


    string mainMenuDialog = "Choose a 45 to be given ^_^\n\n1. Carameldansen by Little V\n2. She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart\n3. Pegboard Nerds & Redless - Cheat Code\n4. Kate Bush - Running up that Hill\n5. Memory Cassette - Asleep at a Party\n6. AronChupa - I'm an Albatraoz\n7. Statler Brothers - Flowers on the Wall";
    list mainMenuButtons = ["1", "Close", ">", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"];
    string subMenu_01_Dialog = "Choose a 45 to be given ^_^\n\n8. Shirk & TLM - Things Fall Apart\n9. ArunChopa - Little Swing\n10. Hello Meteor - Ever\n11. Psy - Daddy\n12. BTSM - Destroy It(Drivepilot remix)\n13. Band-Maid - Dice"; 
    list subMenu_01_Buttons = ["Previous", "Close", "Next", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13"];
    string subMenu_02_Dialog = "Choose a 45 to be given ^_^\n\n14. Stained - Outside\n15.\n16.\n17.\n18.\n19."; 
    list subMenu_02_Buttons = ["Previous", "Close", "Next", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19"]; 
    integer dialogChannel;
    integer dialogHandle;
    open_menu(key inputKey, string inputString, list inputList)
        dialogChannel = (integer)llFrand(DEBUG_CHANNEL)*-1;
        dialogHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", inputKey, "");
        llDialog(inputKey, inputString, inputList, dialogChannel);
        on_rez(integer start_param)
          touch_start(integer numDetected)
            key id = llDetectedKey(0);
            open_menu(id, mainMenuDialog, mainMenuButtons);
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            if(channel != dialogChannel)
            if(message == "Ok")open_menu(id, mainMenuDialog, mainMenuButtons);
                else if(message == "Previous")open_menu(id, mainMenuDialog, mainMenuButtons); //Previous Button
    //            else if(message == "Next")open_menu(id, subMenu_01_Dialog, subMenu_01_Buttons); //Next Button
                else if(message == "1")llGiveInventory(id,"Carameldansen (Little V Metal Cover)");
                else if(message == "2")llGiveInventory(id,"She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart");
                else if(message == "3")llGiveInventory(id,"Pegboard Nerds & Redless - Cheat Code");
                else if(message == "4")llGiveInventory(id,"Kate Bush - Running up that Hill");
                else if(message == "5")llGiveInventory(id,"Memory Cassette - Asleep at a Party");
                else if(message == "6")llGiveInventory(id,"AronChupa - I'm an Albatraoz");
                else if(message == "7")llGiveInventory(id,"Statler Brothers - Flowers on the Wall");
                else if(message == "8")llGiveInventory(id,"Shirk & TLM - Things Fall Apart");
                else if(message == "9")llGiveInventory(id,"ArunChopa - Little Swing");
                else if(message == "10")llGiveInventory(id,"Hello Meteor - Ever");
                else if(message == "11")llGiveInventory(id,"Psy - Daddy");
                else if(message == "12")llGiveInventory(id,"BTSM - Destroy It(Drivepilot remix)");
                else if(message == "13")llGiveInventory(id,"Band-Maid - Dice");
                else if(message == "14")llGiveInventory(id,"Stained - Outside");


  6. I did, first time i quoted the whole script then realized didn't need to post the whole thing. I thought I had that fixed when I started messing with it the first time but because of another error I casted it aside. LLGetListLength goes in there.

    Thanks again for the help ^_^

  7. Thanks Rolig, that fixed that. Went back to the original script since it has the timers in it however there's a new issue i've come across. The line totrack states mismatch but works everywhere else(one of a few reasons why I went to a new script instead of attempting to fix this one).

        integer i;
        g_iPlaying = 1;    
        tottrack = llList2String(vhrw,i);
    //    tottrack = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND);
    //    llPlaySound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, 0),VOLUME);
    //    llPreloadSound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, 1));
        llSetTimerEvent(5.0);  // wait 5 seconds before queueing the second file
        g_iSound = 1;
    //    for ( i = 1; i < tottrack; i++ )
    //    {
    //        llPreloadSound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, i));
    //    }


  8. As the title suggests, I'm attempting to script a jukebox. The script I found works great as a standalone as it reads the clips from inventory, however i'd like it to read the clips from UUID so I took the play part and the string part and put it into a new script but it's still only playing the first sound in the list, not the entire list. Even converted the list to CSV thinking that was the issue and that didn't solve anything. Scratching my head over this one. If I can sort this, I can add it to a menu to make my jukebox.

    Here's what I conjured together. If someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.

    list vhrw = ["79a4b43c-327b-e2f8-f097-4b67da062d97","6f4731b9-da1f-c08b-2c95-4abbc570fd41","e3c4616f-5142-3901-c8f0-1ab5e0fc2a7b","c487408c-4435-5195-ad64-1536e80fced1","586ede60-7988-3eea-06f5-2fca196c9c29","1e877354-ad94-971d-b6e9-a81b6f6cd475","85a7e84d-0536-e11b-20b4-1ef71c87c2a1","88f2bf12-e3a6-f5ec-b9cb-97ec2e32e2ba","e4a849d8-be82-d650-2189-bf0a2411464c","1b938e62-277d-95c3-4644-d3349f982144","9f0d454b-a114-659a-d4dd-261d3436e126","f27075a3-f6bb-a831-733f-a0b1e20d650f","e5e54027-e51b-bc97-cff5-1574b8416c03","704e3268-ba50-1694-6670-7c1fdd8d30f4","ebd0b2e8-8192-660b-3351-61251f6dc27a","6df41651-9085-f26d-dcd1-4083364cf3dd","ef53e923-c008-8c38-f882-eff9f88dd330","760abd78-36a0-c2d7-13db-04bf8b99291e","d2c04e99-cb2a-5053-90e3-e0933f6233d8","483764c8-9f95-3e38-82e5-fa3d7fed64ee","a693bd6d-23e8-d1cf-5e68-8bcc1f6ecc00","c86fcfa8-4153-e006-75cd-65aa8bda7020","828f56a3-9a69-539a-cc60-050808bd02c4","b5b293b1-67cf-d7e8-c798-10e61688549f","0c29dc9a-ae4f-0493-ed7e-f7e985d49b79","4777f854-4e40-c137-5f2e-bb3cb3017f3e","da8cc0de-4ca7-45e1-87e6-39401c045f19","2d943ff6-9c33-212d-2582-74cff041e213","b339d36e-1eee-483d-21aa-e3f9be81c2c8","52979b32-2529-c6fa-a86f-5365d331b578","8b9a5cf2-9011-b114-ca13-36dc5a09472f","7c1988dc-ac17-e774-2c39-56d867e7cdec","a506d3a0-b48d-c0de-b5fb-448ba6c47727","ee7e7647-df8a-b551-7c86-37c63ddc2953","570a97fb-5d1f-0733-2e38-76ffffcf0a4a","43544308-5503-1e58-08ca-4f9456710238","8c51afab-47a8-5da2-ada7-4b1f23d60699","a637f007-e053-197b-c369-e1f9b3eacde5","f4464134-61e2-8761-c471-e644680dab1b","703ae665-9514-609a-861f-377ad42f062e","42cc7090-a828-b850-8790-d136c783e903","0397c99b-db85-d30a-6cb0-63cabc7faa93","eddead31-8835-fe27-5e8a-a260fa646916","80c74c04-cc79-b58f-7bfc-423cf6ab95d6","dd98fc97-64ac-87fb-0d77-96cabfe1ab39","038a225e-be0e-80db-d983-9b591ece68fa"];
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            integer i = 0;
            integer end = llGetListLength(vhrw);
            for (; i<end; ++i)
            llPlaySound(llList2String(vhrw, i),1.0);


  9. I think this goes here. Offering my services as a document translator between English and Japanese. I charge L$50(less then $0.30usd)/word and there's no min or max. This service is perfect for those that are making their own manga/translating a manga, submitting a report somewhere, or just want to know what words or pages are. I don't do to well on the spoken parts of Japanese but I can translate other things then listed, just shoot me a PM in world. I don't use any web-based translator as their all inaccurate and instead use my knowledge from DuoLingo.

    Those interested should look up my alt Rycona Bamaisin as that's the name i'm on the most.

    Arigatoukazaimasu ^_^

  10. while very oldskool, I fixed it using a script called menu that tells the other scripts general and halloween to turn on or off using llSetScriptState. To be honest I was not able to figure out how to set global variables so when I click the menu button for the theme it goes to that list. The script and display is for myself to control so I don't mind it being this way. When my fox mind stops being derpy long enough i'll probably return here to everything is one script but it works for now so i'm ok with it.

    Thanks Fenix for your input,


  11. Morning everyone, I'm usually competent enough to figure out most scripting on my own but this one has me scratching my head. I took a slideshow script and added it to a menu so I could decide what list to use only for some reason it doesn't. If I choose halloween, it'll slide through the images then revert to images for general, not reslide the halloween images. I've played with index numbers, renaming the slides, putting the clauses itself in the button action... nothing seems to correct it so I figured I'd call out to others for a second look, see what I'm missing.

    Thanks in advance, Logan

    The script i'm using:

    list general = ["ec73e727-a351-c10f-924c-47f9c8a2a733", "26f73387-08fa-f712-60ac-02aa4e953571"];
    list hween = ["bd24a835-db24-f6ff-1ef3-1c9c14b9ea38", "cddcce41-2f24-ebb6-0337-503572751714"];
    integer index;
    string mainMenuDialog = "\nCommission Menu, choose a theme to display.";
    list mainMenuButtons = ["General", "Halloween", "Close"];
    integer dialogChannel;
    integer dialogHandle;
    open_menu(key inputKey, string inputString, list inputList)
        dialogChannel = (integer)llFrand(DEBUG_CHANNEL)*-1;
        dialogHandle = llListen(dialogChannel, "", inputKey, "");
        llDialog(inputKey, inputString, inputList, dialogChannel);
        string texture = llList2String(general,0);
        if(0>=llGetListLength(general) )
        index = 0;
        string texture2 = llList2String(hween,1);
        if(1>=llGetListLength(hween) )
        index = 0;
        on_rez(integer start_param)
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            key id = llDetectedKey(0);
            open_menu(id, mainMenuDialog, mainMenuButtons);
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            if(channel != dialogChannel)
            if(message == "General")
                index = 0;
            else if(message == "Halloween")
                index = 0;


  12. Afternoon everyone, I'm attempting to script a rent box that changes as the lindex rate changes(so if I define that the rentbox is say, $10usd/mo, what's displayed is that in L$ so the renter knows what the most up to date rate/price is). Scripting the rent box part is super easy, I just request assistance with querying the lindex data.


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