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alexandro Patrucci

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Posts posted by alexandro Patrucci

  1. 15 minutes ago, Lovein1009 said:

    Se alguém não conseguiu um novo barco ou casa e realmente quer fazer parte da nova comunidade, aqui vai:

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Slippery Wharf / 79/149/27

    Convite aberto para usar meu barco de casa. Não tem muita decoração, mas tem um pouco.

    you are an angel in person, thank you very much for the invitation from the heart, very noble of you this attitude, but the question is not this, that we want to have a home anyway, but the disappointment and frustration of our rights as a prize. You're welcome! S2

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  2. 48 minutes ago, Bela Tolsen said:


    Hello all! I am new to the forums, not used to follow it but now I am since the first wave of bellisseria houses. I came here looking for some information and hoping for some answers about the LL new homes. So I kept reading and reading, trying to avoid writting.... cause my english is def not good enough to explain myself but no double, the new LL houses is a very big currently issue, dividing opinions, visions and above of all, feelings.

    I read soooo many times about "patience". About "we are all equals" to LL. That we all have the same treatment, so no special treatment for no one. I read about the need to be well informed, following the forums, the posts, the need of being fast, I read about the "first served" theory.

    So what is left to me to say?! Just about me. I cannot say what is like for you guys, just know about myself and how I myself see all that issue.

    When I read "be patience",  "keep hitting refresh buttom" or "I am premium since day 1 and didnt get my home too", all I see are people trying to give some comforting, what is awesome, but also a bit of condescending with LL. Cause I want to believe that someone of LL team reads the forums. I would say that reading the forums and blogs and flickr and facebook and all social media with SL community should be a LL job..... not mine.... We cannot forget that LL is a business, is a company all premiums members pays for. I as a member (not premium anymore btw) didnt signed up to follow posts; when I made my account, was no writting, big letters or little bottom letters that I had to follow nothing to have the premium things. When LL gives xmas gifts or whatever, they send emails. At login screen, not dashboard, the login screen is plenty of informations. So why they did not broadcast it sending emails or setting that information on login screen?! I'm afraid the answering is quite simple... cause there was no enough houses for everyone! So... why release them? To please just the (no offense) refresh buttom hitters?! Isnt it selective in a sort of way?! LL is global, so as a global company dealing with all time zones, and willing to be fair with all members, why not wait to release them all only when they have at least the same number of houses of the existing premium members?! I read someone that wrote "why waiting?" To be fair with all who pays the same you do, maybes?! Cause as a matter of feelings, it socks to see people blogging their awesome new LL houses decorations when you that pays the same have to wait for God knows when... When you have the time to stop your rl life to be 24 available to hit a buttom? Is it fair?!

    I knew about the new LL houses cause I saw a photo at  flickr. I went inworld to see the Apple Fall showroom LL house, run to my dashboard and saw at news "new lindens homes" and was like omagah! Imediatelly did my premium account again but... "where's the Bellissseria?, I only see the same old ones"! Thats why I started digging about and ended up reading here "they were gone in 2 days"! So why they didnt write that on the dashboard? "New houses sold out!" I would wait for more. But no. So no, I dont want to be"patience" or "keep hitting the refresh buttom". If they are selling something, they must deliver it as sold. Simple as that. It was no written that I had to blood sweat and tears (love the band lol) to get the new house. For those who did, congratulations but you shouldnt had to, it is not right for no one. That first served theory is a good theory for several situations but it doesn not applies here. Specially when not clear at the sign up. I saw comparisons with Iphone releases. Well, new iphones, you pay for it! Every single new iphone, if you want one, you sleep at the line to get yours but you pay for it. Not the same here. It is a service what you pay for here and that service you pay for comes with the described benefits, period. Is more like you sign Netflix to see GOT as advertised and when the episode world wide begin, you end up with a black screem cause there are too many people in the world to see it all at once! lol Thats why I do think they should had wait until theres room for everybody. Now that ship is sailing and frankly I dont see much more to do unless crying and complaining, the houseboat last released was full of the same mistakes that the first houses wave. And no, that LL talking "we didnt see it coming", I dont buy it.... We all know that housing is a trend in SL nowadays. For years we lived happily at sandboxes, plataforms, we just didnt care. Times now are very different. The number of themed residentials lands, carefully landscaped and decorated just grow and grow. So no, I dont buy that.

    So sorry for complain like many did here, but I had to put it out of my chest... I did cancelled my premium account, got a refund and am waiting hoping something changes that really benefits us all!

    Thank you all for reading all this. :)

    That's why I think they should wait until there is room for everyone.
    Look, I'm not going to comment any more, you were perfect! 
    And see our difficulty in playing second life, here in my country ("that the dollar is 4.02 Brazilian Real") .. that is, we have to pay "4x" in comparison to the American of course it is not our people's responsibility to be well below, I just say that a Brazilian when playing second life is why he likes second life "), so it's not fair for you to pay a premium and receive half, it's not fair with anyone. They should open these second houses only when all the prize they would have the same houses, that would avoid all this created feeling.Now you ask in the air is, will somehow provide compensation to those who have been homeless? ..I do not think so.
    or where it is the value of the users, and second life has arrived where it is because of its users being prize or not prize many contribute much with their creations and time played, therefore what reason to play second life, for me is the people have friends and if these friends give up playing?

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Randy Pole said:

    Hello everyone! first of all thanks for feeling solidarity
    And sorry for bad English.
    So I was with my second wife friend of the "second life" in this race for gold (lol) or what it was called gerra dos home (lol), it was even fun with the frustrations we had like so many others. Good reason for me to comment that we do not want to believe that there was a distinction of regions, but the feeling that happened to us was this, I even did it in the drop down list, although it could happen not because of prejudice as quoted above did not happen this motive rather than "pims" - "server" or fluency of the language. But the fact is, they should have opened another shipment when all the active prizes had their home so as not to have injustice as to those who pay and do not receive the same product, so the exclamation of my friend is justified would also make a prize account and discouraged, as well as some friends who played with us years ago and will not come back, because they wanted to see how it was new houses to also create the prize account, I think there was an "Early Euphoria" on the part of linden . and I believe this sense of theory of the conspiracy Lmao, but I believe that it was not a distinction of regions, alias I want to believe in it, but a certain dehydrogenation euphoric in launching soon the new houses to please its users ... but it was fun these 24 hours, I saw the flying saucer and I thought to myself our Mars until they are coming to get the new houses will be difficult ... lol
    Our frustration was only this, the fact that it did not appear for us the "bellisseria" village, not because it did not get the houses it was already expected the competition was enormous, there were people until Mars, a plane that land at sea to want to enter ..
    again thank you very much for the feeling of solidarity !!!


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  4. 12 hours ago, WillowTenage said:

    Para te dar uma ideia melhor, tirei uma foto : D


    As casas estão muito próximas umas das outras, você verá alguns lugares para as pessoas se sentarem, mas eu raramente vejo pessoas fora de suas casas, além dos infohubs. Você também verá os caminhos dos quais estou falando.




    Aqui é a partir do nível do solo, eu estou sentado em um dos pontos comuns, todos pelo meu solitário :( Ainda assim, eu amo o meu lar Tahoe .. Comparado a estas novas casas e paisagismo, dificilmente compara embora.



    Me and my family will keep you company.

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  5. 17 hours ago, Roseumie said:

    Não aparecendo para mim ..

    I was also in the same situation, I stayed there during the 24 hours updating the page "F5", until finally it opened! and nothing appeared for me, I saw an empty house with no owner, yet nothing opened the window of the villages more unfortunately "Bellisseria" was only for the beautiful not for the ugly (Lmao) ... then in the Bellisseria group, I ' 50 houses available runs'! I restarted my explore and logged in and nothing, then I got discouraged and gave up and watched others pick up. I do not know why this happened, but my point of view was that they should have opened these new houses when at least 90% of the existing prize could be obtained, as this causes frustrations and discouragement again with the SL community, I play almost since SL remember the beginning of the sl for being military sometimes was off for a while, as I was 4 years out was on missions by my country. now with more time and trained in programming and graphic designer, a friend convinced me to play "second life", I decided to play again and now with goals in mind to be a creator, even my computer is full of knits that I created, even because "second life is a goalless game, you make your goal here, and the biggest goal and have friendships, but with events like these cause discouragement, and friendships stop playing.

  6. On 30/04/2019 at 08:14, Syn Anatine said:

    O que as pessoas fazem por trás de portas fechadas não é meu nem deveria ser o negócio de ninguém.

    Fora disso, eu acho rude construir paredes de privacidade enormes e feias ou ter coisas giratórias e bruxuleantes.

    Meu maior problema de estimação é quando eu vou para um pacote e recebo spam de boas-vindas da loja ao lado que não sente a necessidade de restringir sua saudação a parcela apenas. O mesmo vale para partículas (como a neve) que invadem uma parcela vizinha e qualquer outra coisa invasora, incluindo objetos e música.

    you would be a good neighbor

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