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Zia Carissa

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  1. I have 3 characters. Two can get deliveries without any problems from the marketplace. One can't get any, despite the fact that the account shows that delivery has happened and money is taken from the account. At this point I do all my shopping with that avi in-world but it's really getting to be cumbersome. Any ideas? Have I accidentally turned on/off some crucial setting? Thoughts? Suggestions? Actual Answser - Since I can't officially answer my own question per this forum, I have to put the actual answer here. Somehow, I had 'blocked' the marketplace. On my latest upgrade of my viewer, I had to set up a bunch of things and one of the tabs listed blocked senders, neither of which I remember blocking (must have hit the wrong button at some time, instead of accept). Anyhow, the actual answer is that I had to unblock the marketplace. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestion!
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