Hi there. I've been wondering about these two things for a while. I have read many things about land impact, but don't understand it fully. For Land Impact, say we have a 400 polygon build with a land impact of 10. (This is completely made up for example reasons). This 400 build is maybe a simple shed like this: So this shed has a land impact of 10. So, we make a closed shed without an inside just like this that is still 400 polygons, and it has a land impact of 2. [Hehe, some of ya'll are probably going '@_@ I wanna make LI 2 stuff...' Remember these figures are entirely made up.] The shed is 400 poly's either way, but one is less LI than the other. Why? I know it has something to do with the mesh being more complex, but it's still the same polycount, so that's what is confusing. What is the secret to low Land Impact...? Onto my second subject; Triangulation. When uploading to sl, I find SL automatically triangulates quads, which is a problem since I model in quads. Usually I find SL has broken up each quad into 4 triangles or some such, quadrupling my polycount. As you may guess, this isn't good. Is it better to triangulate your build yourself in your 3D modeling program? Or am I missing something and it doesn't really make any difference? That's about it, I guess. [If it helps at all for any of you to know, I use Cinema 4D for my modeling.] Thank you greatly in advance for your answers!