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Maddox Deluxe

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Everything posted by Maddox Deluxe

  1. Sorry about before when I rush, I should had never share the script while it was still getting work on. But the good news is after a lot of changes and 100% testing now, new v1.6 is all ready to go :) I even made a video showing how well the demo script works on my project. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Notecard_Configuration_Reader_by_Maddox_Deluxe
  2. You was right, all i had to do was pass the list into a new one, so all the menu buttons from the note cards now works, was just more easy to parse, but was not hard to switch the list for each thing. I been out of scripting in sl for so long, but things are coming back to me now. Thanks for the help again. I use to be master at list scripting, now i'm feeling little dumb since i got back at programming in sl.. lol
  3. but it is the same as this list Themes = ["Fantasy Tiger","8f304cf2-7120-24e2-d1f1-db6b31bd6f6","false","Fantasy Car","517b2288-67ca-b14c-1de2-c5f5fdf5291f","false"]; the find list will match 3 elements to the search string, i even try what you said by making a return and moving the list into the new one. still does not work. each find = Fantasy Tiger","8f304cf2-7120-24e2-d1f1-db6b31bd6f6","false.. if you run the test script and look at it, you will see it returns all 3 elements base on the button name search. so it is like every 3 elements. Script test run return this as the output. // output: Test Pass: Fantasy Car // our search string // output: Debug Button Name: Fantasy Car // output: Debug Backdrop: 517b2288-67ca-b14c-1de2-c5f5fdf5291f // output: Debug floordrop: false // output: Debug Dump Found Test: Fantasy Car,517b2288-67ca-b14c-1de2-c5f5fdf5291f,false
  4. Thanks, but can you post the script back with a working fix to it? been out of scriptinfg for years and trying to get back into it, working on a big project.
  5. // if you run this script with this list, it all works. but when you comment this list out and use make_test_list, it will not work. list Themes = ["Fantasy Tiger","8f304cf2-7120-24e2-d1f1-db6b31bd6f6","false","Fantasy Car","517b2288-67ca-b14c-1de2-c5f5fdf5291f","false"]; // list Themes; // uncomment to use for make test list // if you try and make the list this way, it does not find it. But the list format is the same. Make_Test_list() { Themes = []; string Menu_Button_Name = "Fantasy Tiger"; string Back_Drop_UUID ="8f304cf2-7120-24e2-d1f1-db6b31bd6f6"; string Floor_Drop_UUID = "false"; Themes = [Menu_Button_Name+","+Back_Drop_UUID+","+Floor_Drop_UUID]; } integer IsButton(string name) { integer index = llListFindList(Themes, [name]); if (~index) { list Found = llList2List(Themes, index, index + 2); string i = llList2String(Found,0); if (i == name) llOwnerSay("Test Pass: "+(string)name); // llOwnerSay("Debug Dump Test: "+llDumpList2String(Themes, ",")); return TRUE; } llOwnerSay("Not Found: "+(string)name); // llOwnerSay("Debug Dump Test: "+llDumpList2String(Themes, ",")); return FALSE; } FindButton(string name) { integer index = llListFindList(Themes, [name]); if (~index) { list Found = llList2List(Themes, index, index + 2); string BN = llList2String(Found,0); string BD = llList2String(Found,1); string FD = llList2String(Found,2); llOwnerSay("Debug Button Name: "+(string)BN); llOwnerSay("Debug Backdrop: "+(string)BD); llOwnerSay("Debug floordrop: "+(string)FD); llOwnerSay("Debug Dump Found Test: "+llDumpList2String(Found, ",")); } } default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer num_detected) { // Make_Test_list(); //uncomment for make test list // string Test_Search_String = "Fantasy Tiger"; string Test_Search_String = "Fantasy Car"; if(IsButton(Test_Search_String)==TRUE) { FindButton(Test_Search_String); } } } // Script default run test works and this is the output read out. // output: Test Pass: Fantasy Car // output: Debug Button Name: Fantasy Car // output: Debug Backdrop: 517b2288-67ca-b14c-1de2-c5f5fdf5291f // output: Debug floordrop: false // output: Debug Dump Found Test: Fantasy Car,517b2288-67ca-b14c-1de2-c5f5fdf5291f,false
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