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Niki Felicci

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Posts posted by Niki Felicci

  1. There have been two releases of the New Linden Homes so far one in April and one on 15th May and yes they both went quickly. SL hopefully will have more available next month but in the mean time the earlier Linden Homes should still be available

    You may manage to get a new one if you continually refresh the Linden Homes page, if somebody gives one up but if not try again in June.

  2. I just want to say a big thank- you to Patch and the rest of the Linden team plus all the hardworking moles. I love my new houseboat and the sim I'm on and I want to get out sailing and meeting neighbours soon. Meeting people and socializing, was something I never did in my old Linden Homes. - Thank-you

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  3. 1 minute ago, KasimiraMathilde said:

    So how do we go about getting a house? Do we go to the Sims where they are working or do we go to the front page?

    Off the website, waiting at the sim border is just a fun thing but can cause lag.

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  4. It's a bit like waiting for the latest iPhone release, Yes you get a new home on the website, No there is no advantage hanging around the border other than you can see whats going on (at the moment nothing) and you will see if anything happens.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, beluzi said:

    HoW can take this house? In the page or linden home I dont see any thing more the four old tipes


    It's because their are NO new types available right now. As others have said the Lindens expect to release some new houseboats anytime after 7.00 am SLT (realistically it will be between 7.00 am- 3.00 pm SLT today. If you try the page when they are released you will see the New Houseboats listed.

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