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Sutra Scribe

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  1. I would like to post my results for anyone else who may be struggling with uploading multi-mesh models with physics. That is, several mesh components being exported together as 1 and uploaded into SL as a linked object. Remember, this is what I personally did, and there may be better routes to take. Since each combined mesh model can only host 8 distinct materials, I combined my home in sections of mesh having no more than 8 materials per combined section. This left me with 3 separate mesh models for my home. For each 3 models I made a physics shape out of planes. I was then able to upload all 3 sections (independantly of eachother), along with their corresponding physics shape, with no issues. Everything is working fine. The con of it is that the structure has to be uploaded in sections, in my case 3 sections, and put back together like a puzzle. Sort of time consuming and it doesn't help that the "upload with textures" isn't working.
  2. Oh geeze this isn't going to be much fun.I will play around with this and see what happens. I appreciate your help, Drongle! ~sutra
  3. There may be something wrong with my home structure model as opposed to it being the physics model. On phoenix I get an error upon upload: failed to upload: multiple errors while validating asset. NewAgentInventory_InvalidAsset And on the most updated version of the Official SL Viewer, I crash on upload attempt more often than not. Though, on previous versions I did not. You mention, "Unless your house consists of more than one mesh object?" It does. I created my home as many separate mesh objects and exported it as a whole (without "combining" it). Would this a problem? Note older thread about my upload troubles here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Can-t-get-my-multi-object-mesh-model-into-SL/m-p/1582663
  4. Hi Drongle, I am mistaken I suppose. In the preview window, the physics model appears smaller than the home, but I did not test this inworld (Via Develop > Render Metadata > Physics Shapes). The reason I have not tested it inworld is due to the following: When I select my mesh home & corresponding physics model from the main upload tab, everything appears fine. However, once I rez it in Second Life, there is no physics model present... at least not the one I created. "Prim" is not available as a selection. To go back to the basics, I created a very simple couch to test if I was doing this right and was able to get this to work: I selected the couch as my model, and actually applied the house's physics model onto the couch. When rezzed, I can see the physics model surrounding the couch when I view the "Physics Shapes" option. "Prim" is available as a selection. Any ideas as to why the physics model would be working on the couch, but not on the home structure I created it for? Lost, ~sutra
  5. Hello Drongle, thank you for the added information. I think I now see what my problem is and hope for a bit more help. When I load my physics model, it is indeed much smaller than my actual mesh structure; which explains why I still can not walk through. You mention the fix for this and the answer is in the size of the bounding box. Unfortunately for me, I was never able to understand Maya's "bounding box".. both the viewing of it, and manipulation of it. It sort of seems as if it is almost hidden in Maya, unlike in 3ds max. In Maya, do you know how I would go about viewing it? Furthermore, I know in 3ds Max you can essentially stretch the bounding box independantly of your model. But in Maya, does adding more walls, for instance, automatically expand the bbox (and is that what you mean by saying I should add more tris?) ~sutra
  6. Thank you! I changed viewers and once my own physics is loaded, the "analyze" etc greys out, so that helps. I see the "prim" option in SL now.
  7. Greetings, I have a multi-object mesh home with a single door in it. I created a physics model in Maya that consists of 4 solid walls, a floor, and a roof, with an opening where the door is. This physics model is all in one piece created by 'extruding' the initial polygon. I have read the wiki and searched the SL forums and I see that in SL I should select my physics file and then move to "Analyze > Solid" and that I should not select "close holes" since I have a door. I did all of this. In the preview window it doesn't appear that my physics shape is as I created it in Maya but I can not tell for certain because I see everything as white making it hard to distinguish. When I load my home into SL, I read that I should change "convex hull" to "prim", however, I lack the "prim" option on this build. Ultimately, I am unable to walk through my door. The walls and floor and ceiling seem to be working correctly at keeping my avatar in or out, though. Help? :matte-motes-bashful-cute: ~sutra
  8. I am on maya 2011 and it appears to be exporting the *.dae and texture bakes into the same folder. I checked the *.dae file of both my initial upload attempt (where it pulled old textures) and my new upload attempt (where it won't pull any textures) and both contain absolute paths to the jpg texture files. I will definitely try deleting the *.slm file and crossing my fingers for all of this to be ironed out! Thank you, Gaia
  9. Hi Gaia, thank you for the reply! I played around with this a bit and I was indeed able to upload my structure with the textures already on (Which is great!) however, I am still not understanding exactly what folder it is pulling these textures from, or how it is doing so. I apologize, I am unsure how to quote your post but what do you mean by "Absolute paths"? I baked a new scene and saved it as a brand new *.dae file (I do see the *.slm as well), but now I can not even get the textures to display in the preview window when I ask it do, and when I upload my model it is completely black with 0 textures. (This is a building structure so no rigging done on it.) I have tried opening the material attribute editor and applying the baked textures to a "file" path as well. No difference. Very confused as to what happened between this new export displaying 0 textures and the previous export displaying old textures. Any idea why my new *.dae file is no longer displaying textures in the preview window now? (Which I am sure is directly related to my model importing texture-less too!) :smileyfrustrated: Hope you, or any fellow mesh-ers, can shed some light on this.
  10. Thank you, after creating new scenes and successfully uploading basic multi-object models into SL, I still could not replicate that with my original scene (or, more complex objects), nor could I pinpoint the reason why. I finally decided to try a new viewer and it uploads with no issues! (Was using Firestorm, and now on the Official Viewer). I did have another inquiry, though: in the mesh preview window I can ask it to show "textures," where is it pulling these textures from? In Maya, my scene is completely baked with really nice textures, but in the preview window it is displaying some old textures from my initial building stage. Furthermore, has there been reports of anyone successfully loading mesh models already textured? The Wiki says it is not possible but I am wondering if that is out-dated information? ~sutra
  11. Greetings everyone. I have spent the past 3 odd weeks (on and off) trying to get my "multi-object" mesh model into SL, I have read the forums and looked through the wiki with no luck. It is a home structure with many different pieces and for quite obvious of reasons, I would like to upload it all at once (As a linkset? Coalesced item?). I am using Maya 2011 and have successfully loaded single mesh objects in the past, however, this is my first attempt at uploading an entire Maya scene all in one piece. (Note that I am not "combining" anything in Maya, just shift-selecting > export). When I export single pieces of the scene/home structure -- say just the floor, it uploads to SL just fine. But alas, when I export the floor, walls, ceiling, door, etc all in a single file.... the upload into SL fails. It says "Loading..." down at the bottom when I ask it to calculate costs, but it never does anything beyond that. I do not believe that any of my pieces are larger than 64m and it is a very low poly build. Can anyone shed some light on what I may be doing wrong, or request any additional information I may need to provide? ~sutra
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