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Baiphen Quintessa

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Posts posted by Baiphen Quintessa

  1. 1 hour ago, Eddy Vortex said:

    My sophomoric looking closet space could use some upgrade...



    New closet and some furniture rearrangements:



    The upgrade looks fantastic! But could you please tell me where you got the "Glam" picture? I need it! 

  2. Okay. I'm getting it. I'm getting it. So, whichever is the pic of the day that I want to look like, if the pic has a default shape I wear that one. I believe I have the BOM ticked off most of the time anyway. I think the last time I touched it is when I was playing with the LaraX and I looked weird until I remembered the button. And if the pic is a tattoo layer, should I find a skin that most resembles the tattoo layer? Since the tattoo layer is going to be the "top layer"? 

    I really wish they would make this easier. I've been with SL for most of the changes and I still struggle at times to understand things. If I was a brand new avie, I'd just keep looking like Ruth. 

  3. WHAT?!?!?! I have never heard of that feature. But, I really don't know what a lot of stuff on my Firestorm viewer does. I'm afraid of touching something and not being able to fix it. What a cool thing to have. So it goes into a file on the laptop? Did I understand that correctly? That is so nifty.

    When I'm playing with demos, depending on how lazy I am, I'll use the default shape that comes with it. I never actually think about it when I buy the thing I've tried on after that, I just put on the default with the head since I've already fixed the body specs. My question actually arose from me buying a head shape during the Christmas deals that came out with the LeLutka freebie. I bought a skin for my Fleur that I fell in love with, but it was a tattoo layer so I went and bought a different skin at a different store, again for the Fleur, because the tattoo skin didn't look like the pic. Then I got confused as to how I was supposed to put them all together because they all had default shapes, so I left them alone. After dropping $799 for a skin from Velour last week I figured I'd better figure out how to use everything the correct way. 

    I'm so thankful for you guys, you have taught me so much. 

  4. *blinks*  Wow.

    Well, I'm going to say thanks to all of you for the knowledge you shared. I didn't know how to make the group thing work on my Linden Home and just typed the names in one by one. It seemed easier after my sister got shot across the Fantasy region twice and threatened me with bodily harm if I did it again. (She got me back when she first got her Ranch. I don't think that she really "forgot" to put my name in her security system. Honestly, it had been two years since I'd done it first. She never forgets anything.) I'm always going to be thankful for any information you all pass on and if it, for some reason, doesn't work for me, I'll still be thankful that you all tried.

    You guys need cookies. Or a cocktail. Or both. 

    Thank you!

    • Like 3
  5. I have mine written in a little pad I keep by my laptop. When I made the transition from system avie to mesh I wanted to make sure that the body I had would be the body I'd be able to keep using with the minimum amount of work. I even got my sister into the habit when she got upset with a new head and she couldn't make that body look like the one she had just had. It took me longer to convince her that even if her height was 100 on the slider she'd still be short until she fixed with the legs/hips/torso sliders as well. 

    Thank you both for helping me. You're guys are awesome!

    • Like 5
  6. I can't stand not knowing anymore. Which default shape is one actually supposed to wear anymore? Depending on the merchant, I could have a default shape in the head, body , head skin and body skin. Plus I might also have a tattoo layer with a head skin for the look that I was going for (because the girl in the picture at the store is pretty). I normally wear the default shape that comes in my LeLutka head because I've changed the body specs for it. I do that for any head I get (LeLutka or not) because I was under the impression you're supposed to wear that body to match the pretty girl in the picture. With skins being modeled on one head or the other, I may have the head but it doesn't match that specific picture look when I wear it.  If I see a gorgeous head at WoW and buy the skin made for my Avalon head and then go to the Skinnery and find a gorgeous head that's a tattoo layer for the skin....I'm really starting to get lost in my own question, sorry. I know I wear the skin and the shape and add any other layers it's just the shape in the individual folders I'm unsure of. Since I mentor I'm afraid of getting asked and not having an answer and you guys are really, really, really good at knowing almost everything. 


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    You were.probably trying to put a NON-EvoX face skin on the Lelutka head while it was in EvoX mode.  

    Almost any face skin you buy made within the last couple of years will be EvoX.  Body skins are mostly sold per body type and shade of skin.  Quite a few head skin shops sell.their skins in shades compatible with Velour body skins IF they don't offer their own body skins.  

    I'm not sure what I did different, I was chatting with my sister as I was trying to put the head on and I'm pretty sure I had used the same skin that I normally use. I really shouldn't try to put a new head on when I've had a few cocktails and am in heavy chat mode. I just remember the shock of seeing it when I was waiting for something to load. I retreated and stripped down to system avie and made sure I put things on in the correct order. I don't think I have too many of the Velour skins, I've picked up the freebies when the LeLutka 12 days of Christmas drops, but I've never actually been in the store and actually looked. I should do that since everyone seems to talk about them so much.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, Anna Salyx said:

    it can take a moment or two to wrap your head around the quirks and intricacies of BOM layers (primarily tattoo level).  But once you have that epiphany moment it becomes so easy to manage.  I currently sport 29 tattoo laters which include the head skin (body skin is actual skin layer), ears, freckles, moles, creases, eyebrows, makeup... along with a hefty amount of actual tattoos (I make most of my own so I can be sure how they layer out).  The real key and trick to getting everything to look right is is putting them on in a specific order, and building the whole look up like a fancy layer cake.   The outfit panel can help in reordering layers so, if you add something later and it messes the look up, you can easily adjust the stack instead of having to take everything off and back on again.


    Wow. 29? I start to panic after two. But, in my defense, I was sporting a LAQ head at the time and I went from no line to a really obvious line. (I honestly don't remember what I was trying to put on.) Now, I can't even remember how to make the LAQ heads work so they're languishing in my Inventory and pouting because the never see daylight. Well, SL daylight. And even as recent as the new Billie head I ended up taking the tattoo layers off. Not only did I have a very obvious neck line but there was a line on my head that looked like she was wearing a mask, it went around the entire front of her face from forehead to chin and cheek to cheek (HA! I love that song). I think I read that you have to be careful with the older makeup with the new heads because they might not be compatible. Or my cold is making me hallucinate things. 

  9. You guys are so brilliant! I can't thank you enough for all of this info. I honestly thought that if it said "skin" it was total body. I have quite a few in my inventory that I haven't played with because of the tattoo thing. I honestly can't stand them, but now that I understand better how they work I might give them a try. I'm just glad that almost all of them were freebies and group gifts so I didn't drop the cash for something I'm not going to use. (I do that with furniture and shoes) 

    My sister doesn't really spend a lot of time inworld because she's working full time so she asks me and and I can usually help her. I can't stress enough how often I told her that the Forums are your friends. Especially if you Google the question first. If Google can't take her to the answer she has me ask all of you. I think it's because I brag about you so often that she figures it's easier for me to ask. 

    Thank you again!!!! You guys have me out bunches. I'm sending you air hugs!!!

    (And you're so right Anna Nova, I'm really thankful we don't have to deal with this stuff in RL either)

    • Thanks 2
  10. 17 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    It sounds like she needs to watch a YouTube video about how to go from a system or starter avatar to a mesh one. Maybe her body isn't set to BOM?  I doubt tattoo layers are the problem, especially since you said you saw her face change (the tattoo layer), but not the body. 

    Which version of the Maitreya body is she wearing? Maybe that makes a difference about how it would be set to BOM and how well the head will fit with the neck?

    LOLOLOL...I'm her YouTube video. And she's in the Lara 5.3 and a LeLutka Sewa, Siri,  (it starts with an "s"). When she's wearing just her WoW skin the line isn't really there. I mean, if you're looking close you can see it. But she decided she wanted to play with tattoo layers and since she was getting pretty good with the makeup ones she bit the bullet and bought this one from the Skinnery. And when it didn't seem to work she turned to me and I haven't really messed with tattoo layers except the occasional lipstick. 

    Is it possible it's only a head skin? I mean, do they do that? 

  11. OMG! You guys are so nice. My sister was being super polite and told me it isn't the Wren's Nest that was giving her issues it was the Skinnery, DUH. I told her she can start asking her own questions next time.  Anyway. She wears a total body skin from WoW normally, but she fell in love with this one from the Skinnery. And if I understand you all correctly, it doesn't really matter what skin she wears, but she should put it on first, then the tattoo skin and then any makeup? When she showed me it looked like only her face changed but not the rest of the body with it, and it is a whole body skin. (At least she said it is, maybe she's wrong and it's only for her head and that's why it isn't working? Is there a way you can tell if it's total body or just head?)  She started from scratch by going back to the system avie and putting the layers on new. And she didn't have any makeup layers on because I made sure she had cleared them as soon as she put on the head.

    She ended up throwing a tantrum and swearing off tattoo layers, which is gonna suck for her since half of her makeup is tattoo. 


    • Sad 1
  12. So. My sister asked me how she's supposed to layer if the skin she wants to wear is a tattoo layer and not a skin layer. She found a shape that she love, love, loved but when she adds the tattoo skin, she has a really noticeable neck line. It's supposed to be compatible with the LeLutka head she has and she's using a Maitreya body. I had thought that you add the body, you add the head, you add the skin and then you can put on the tattoo layers. Is it different if it's skin and not makeup? She normally uses WoW skins and the one she fell in love with is (I think) Wren's Nest. Am I wrong in the layering order or is there actually another step when wearing a tattoo skin.


  13. So. A quick question for you guys in regards to combining AO's. Is it possible to take some walk animations out of one Vista AO and put them into a different Vista AO? My sister just bought a dance AO from Vista and isn't sure how to add it to her current AO. And she is very fond of the walks in one AO and the standing animations in another. Is she stuck or can she combine the bits and bobs.

  14. It's why I gave up mine. Set between a lake and a hill, waterfall and a water rez zone right next to it. I had it fixed two times within a month. My sister was right across the lake from me and she had the direct view of the waterfall from her back yard. She ended up having to give up her house for the same reason. I miss that house but it was just too frustrating to have it break whenever I felt like redecorating, which is usually about once a month unless I have an idea for a different house style half way through the decorating progress. 

    • Sad 5
  15. Hi guys! So. My sister has decided she HAS to have a nose ring that attaches to an earring. She bought a hair that had the look in the pic and she fell in love. But trying to find one is proving to be a bit more difficult. She gets either the nose ring or the earring from the search engine. Do any of you have any idea where she could find something like it? She's currently wearing a LeLutka head. 

    Thank  you in advance!

  16. 2 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    "Sakurasseria"??? I've never seen anyone call Sakura that before today.

    "Belliserria Alps" on a flat part of Bellisseria that has no alps?

    "Mediterranea" ?  Did her N key break?!

    "Bellisseria Forest" for Logland?  Nope.

    Some of the names are misplaced, inaccurate and totally stupid sounding. They're dreadful. I will not be using them.

    In regards to the "Mediterranea", maybe who ever picked the name is a Duran Duran fan? It's one of their best songs on their "All You Need Is Now" album. I used the name on an ocean side Traditional once. 

    • Like 3
  17. 4 hours ago, Kylie Jaxxon said:

    I thought I remember reading that you cannot already own a Linden Home when putting in a request.  Someone will come along and verify or correct my statement, I'm sure :P

    ETA: from the FAQ's:


    I heard that Premium Plus members can request specific Linden Homes for themselves. Is this true?

    Yes, it is! Premium Plus members can request a specific Linden Home, as long as the home is not occupied, the region is released (if a Linden Home region begins with "SSP", it is still unreleased), and they do not currently have another Linden Home. To do so, Premium Plus members can request a Linden Home by submitting a support ticket (click Submit A Ticket on the top right of this page!) and choose the Issue Type of Land & Region with the subtype of Linden Homes. Please be sure to include the SLurl for the Linden Home you would like to claim in your support ticket.

    Please note that Premium Plus members can still only own one Linden Home at a time.

    You get a reminder to give up your home from Wendi. I know this because I was putting in a ticket for my sister and didn't realize that I hadn't logged out of my account. I waited and waited and couldn't understand why she wasn't getting her Fantasy parcel. I checked my e-mail later that day and found a note from Wendi stating she'd love to give me the parcel as soon as I gave up the one I had. That's when I realized my mistake. I apologized and resent the ticket under the correct name. Soooo...yeah. You can actually hang on to your current home and send a ticket for the new one. But I really wouldn't make a habit out of it. I'd hate to make Wendi mad. 

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  18. 25 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Very true. But since I have no "grass" on my plot the cactus don't look that bad. I am literally surrounded by the sand/seashell floor. My sister said that it reminded her of Zorro, so I went in that direction. Unfortunately I didn't come with Antonio Banderas. Dang it.

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  19. 1 hour ago, PrudenceAnton said:

    The 2 tree types I used were these 2:

    TLG - Classic Trees -Acacia Tree 15L (sized it down slightly to 12L)

    TLG - Classic Trees -Bombadil Tree 7 LI

    Thank you so much! I'm off to buy some (more) trees! Happy Holiday's!

    • Like 4
  20. PrudenceAnton, which trees did you use? That's the issue I'm having with my landscaping. I'm leaning towards cactus and Joshua trees but I really would like a tree or two. It just looks so naked and they didn't include any trees in the content pack. 

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