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Richway Sideways

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Posts posted by Richway Sideways

  1. Full sim, full transfer with established club.  Stores (22 of 23), houses (3) and apartments (2 of 5) rented.  Will transfer all buildings and items that are transferable.  Any items not transferable will remain on the land until the new owner wishes to return them.  Tier is due on the 13th.  I am asking $495US for the sim (includes transfer fee) and $300US for the club, buildings and fixtures.  If you ever wanted to have your own club but didn't know how to go about building it, this is the perfect sim for you.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Richway Sideways in world.

  2. Full sim, full transfer with established club.  Stores (22 of 23), houses (3) and apartments (2 of 5) rented.  Will transfer all buildings and items that are transferable.  Any items not transferable will remain on the land until the new owner wishes to return them.  Tier is due on the 13th.  I am asking $495US for the sim (includes transfer fee) and $300US for the club, buildings and fixtures.  If you ever wanted to have your own club but didn't know how to go about building it, this is the perfect sim for you.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Richway Sideways in world.


    15000 PRIM

    Sim Name:  Mystic Resort

    Tier Due:  March 14th

    Asking $250 (transfer fee included) or best offer.  Transfer must occur prior to tier due date.

    Contact Richway Sideways in world.  Thank you for your interest.

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