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Vir Linden

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Posts posted by Vir Linden

  1. You said:

    "I think to animate face bones with rotations only some bones on the face would need an extra bone/joint at the tip to compensate for angle, like the lips for instance and maybe the eyebrows. It does mean a few extra bones but it would help. This isn't the preferred way to animate face bones animators know this but it seems "rotations only' is important to the Lab."

    Any specifics on which bones or how you would use them? If you want to post a more detailed request, submitting a JIRA would be helpful. Thanks.

  2. Nothing is final until we go to the main grid. The purpose of the testing period on Aditi is to identify and if possible fix any issues with the proposed skeleton. It's possible we will add, remove or change bones as a result of feedback from the project viewer - so bone suggestions or bug reports are both very much fair game.

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