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SimonTemplar Bernard

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Posts posted by SimonTemplar Bernard

  1. The reply to this post is a TOS violation. One may not disclose RL information about a player. On the other hand, it may be "libel"- writing lies to defame someone's character.

    The correct response is to file an abuse report (which I did.. but the more people that pile on the more effective the report.. this is my experience.)

    I read the header of this post and thought "Wow! Someone introduces themselves and makes an offer of interesting activities or role play! How refreshing!" Usually we see "Hi", "Hi, I em desprate to half frinds", or "I'm bored, someone come amuse me because I have the whole SL universe to explore but am lazy."


    Hi fives to the redhead!

  2. 1. Vouchers to replace SL1 land with SL2 land

    2. Vouchers to replace the lost value of inventory so I can replace my considerable investment in SL1 towards SL2

    3. A user interface that does not split the world in to "Noobs" and "Someone finally told me how to get Firestorm and omg its so much better" users.

    4. How about not screwing over the user base every 18 months?

  3. to have something to talk about, go do something interesting!

    Some of my favorite things:

    1. go explore little music clubs with nice DJs

    2. explore interesting new places (see the destination guide for cool spots, then put a few favorites in your profile, then ask people what cool places they have found.)

    3. go shoot zombies at Grimly's. It's silly fun.

    4. Learn how to build or script. There are many places you can learn


    Now you are interesting and people will flock to you. And if they don't you will say "GOOD! I'm having too much fun to sit around talking!"


  4. Don't forget to reset your router


    I have seen things like this when a file in the system's dns cache is corrupted. It's an easy thing to purge.

    Google search "flush Dns cache".. It fixed a friend


    Delete all sl files. Defrag hard drive. Repair registry. Clean install one viewer. Reset router. Flush Dns cache. Cross fingers. Sacrifice a brewski to Legba, hope for the best. Don't fix it until its broken!


  5. Every Sunday the lovely East Rodas (snakepit owner) dusts off her grammophone and plays music in the street.

    1:00 PM Cale Region

    Role players gather and meet out of character in the rough, gritty, crime infested streets of the South Side.

    We needs code words for what goes on here, but it isnt generally romantic. This is your chance to meet and chat before grabbing. I mean.. role playing


    You can wander off and explore the toys, too. I shut up now.


  6. Try "Flushing your DNS Cache"

    this simple operation has helped two of my good friends now. They always crashed, only on one sim. Every time they TP in.. CRASH. No place else.

    The DNS cache is the telephone book from names like "secondlife.com" to a long string of hexidecimal numbers. If an address gets mangled, it apparently can lead to crashes on the sim where an address is mangle-fied.


    Google search "Flush DNS Cache" for the fairly simple instructions... about 5 steps system depending.


    For good measure, you may wish to change your DNS Lookup Service to something like Google instead of your ISP. Just in case the mangled file is at your ISP's server.


    Good luck!

  7. Most people get a new router and modem when they move. Their ISP gives that to them when they get a new account.


    Some routers simply will not run SL. That's a sad fact. Please look on your router and get the name and model number.

    Are you using a new ISP? Sometimes a call to your ISP and getting the correct technical help person works wonders. Good Luck!


  8. The South Side Snakepit is one of SL's oldest hard/forced role play sex locations. We have been in continuous operations in the CALE Region for FOUR years now!

    Saturday 22 Feb from 12 to 4 PM SLT we will be having an Out of Character Party!

    Four DJs- East, Z, Russo, and Kookie Hax !

    Old friends, new friends, naughty alts, forgotten mains.. come dance, chat, meet new people and maybe even explore some new toys.


    Anyone wanting to role play is welcome!
    Absoulutely no child avis! Your Avi should look 21 years old no matter how old you are in real life. (That's just how we roll at the South Side.)

    If you have old photos from way back in the day.. contact Simon!


    East Rodas (owner)

    Ogart Coba (partner)

    Simontemplar Bernard (partner)

  9. Since updating winXP to Win7(64) my firestorm performance on my desktop (GTX460) took an insane hit in perforamnce. Complex high resolution builds burried perforamnce to THREE fps from a former 27 fps. This is a complex FS/windows/drivers issue because my

    ASUS gaming laptop with gtx 360m gpu clobbers my desktop now. I really really really like my ASUS gaming  laptop.. got it on Amazon.


    The solution for me: SINGULARITY. While I miss a few FS tools, SIngularity has some very nice tools FS does NOT have. Singularity reminds me  very much of the old Phoenix. In some situations, Singularity is 7 to 8 times faster in frame rate than Firestorm. In most cases, it is at least 30% faster. You can feel the difference.

    Unlike the old days, there is no need to not download a new viewer and try it out. It's a pain in the butt to configure the things, but hey.. we are all getting good at it these days.

    Executive summary:

    1) Try Singularity. It's very familiar feeling

    2) Look at Asus gaming laptops at Amzn

  10. I have found a few people that are leaking voice in to SL.

    - their voice dots are not visible

    -no voice dectection in the Active Speakers window

    - by voice volume at camera, I can find the person and tell them what is on their TV or what they just said on the RL phone

    - they insist they do not have mic on.

    on relong, the problem is resolved.


    Anyone else seeing this?


  11. Hey Meka!


    Christmas string lights have some issues..

    since we want the lights to light up, each light has to be a separate prim. That can get VERY expensive in terms of prims! Primmy as can be! The shape of the sagging wires is specific to the poles or things they hang from, and sculpties dont resize in one dimension well at all!


    on the other hand, I have seen some really good one prim strands of christmas lights using image tricks.

    I like some made by Travenal Akselbrad called

    Dangling running lights Christmas

    one prim, nice.

    or things like this...







    no one really notices lightbulbs :)


    if you really want to spend... 500 prims on xmas lights.. hey.. I will take your money!







  12. My RL partner is a mid level manager with scads of business training. She doesn't quite understand my sl addiction, but as I point out, compared to a real life business, my monthly losses are miniscule.

    Recently, after about 4 years of trying, I am starting to figure it out and make a tiny profit. She is supportive. I ran some projections for her, and her eyebrows went up. "That's not bad.. I hope it works!" Then I just shut up, because me talking about SL bores her to death.

    So- support on the home front, despite not really understanding the whole SL thing.

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