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Maudie Goldshark

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Everything posted by Maudie Goldshark

  1. There is a contract that doesn't have to be signed for a seller and buyer. I read this on the internet but knew that we entered into a contract when we make a purchase even though most don't realise it. Whenever you pay money for something you the purchaser enter into a contract. (I read this) Every day you enter into contracts without realising it. Every time you buy an ice-cream from the dairy, or a coffee from a café, you are entering into a contract. For the contract to exist, something of value has to be exchanged, and the contract may exist if you agree to pay the money in the future. A contract is when you offer to buy something and the seller accepts your offer. I've only just seen the User Licensed on Marketplace and was interested in everyone's comments. I include a texture in my packs that lays out a few simple points and includes an appeal to the customer to help me keep my business intact. There are always going to be those that abuse the goods we create and sell. Btw I wanted to mention that I began using a texture for my license because I can make it no modify rather that a notecard which I don't think you can transfer to the pack without it being full perm. I didn't want my wording changed. Thanks for all the great information!
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