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Kairi Popstar

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Posts posted by Kairi Popstar

  1. After searching, I realized that I haven't seen anyone else with this problem.  Basically most of my old and new marketplace items will not load in my general inventory.  Even new things that I bought on the marketplace (since this issue) appear, but when I log out they disappear.  I currently use FireStorm but I also tried to get my inventory to load on the official viewer with no success.  What is odd, is on the Marketplace tab (Firestorm) or received items tab (Official viewer) I find all the items.   But as I said, they will not show up in search, or anywhere in my inventory.  Even when I move the objects from the Marketplace tab to my inventory, it will go back when I relog.  My inventory says it is done fetching until I try to search as well.  It is stuck at the exact same number every time. I guess it is trying to get the marketplace items. 

     What I tried:

    • Reinstalling viewers
    • Manually cleaning cache
    • Loading in many different “low lag” empty places
    • Waiting 5 days for a self-fix
    • disabled HTTP Inventory
    • Manually move items from marketplace/recieved items to inventory

    Has anyone else have this issue, know what is wrong, or can suggest a possible fix? 

     Thank you!

  2. Just an update here.  After fighting with my AO for way too long and talking with others, I finally sucked it up and went the old school way with an AO hud and notecard.  I haven't had any problems since.  Maybe it is a firestorm issue afterall.  


    Thank you for the advice and trying to help everyone! <3 

  3. I tried resetting AO and no luck


    It isn't lag.  My internet is good as usual and I normally don't have lag issues unless there are a trillion people together.  Also firestorm is updated. I think the clue is that it is playing like 5 animations according to how many where stopped.  I also checked stoping animations when AO is off and it seems to be only when my AO is on.

  4. Hello everyone!  I'm not use of these forums so I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong location.

    I am having a strange issue with lingering animations playing.  For example if I turn and then stand my turning animation stays on. If I fly then stand.... my flying animation will stay on.   If I walk and then stop to stand... I will walk in place.

    What is strange is that I see the right animation there for a second and it goes to the pervious animation.  The only way I can get it to stop is with stop animations and it tells me that it stops between 4-5 animations... which is strange.  I would say this happens 40% of the time I use a different set of animations (i.e. Walking to standing)

    I thought it was a Firestorm issue since I use the built in AO but I heard from a close friend she had a problem like that with a HUD AO awhile back and said it was an SL issue in general.  She said she fixed it but forgot how she fixed it, so I'm trying to figure out how she fixed it.  

    Also I would like to say that it was working fine a few months ago, when I recently came back to SL it started acting up.  It can be embarrassing so I would like to get it fixed. I doubled checked the AO and all the animations are where they should be.  Nothing has changed since it worked perfectly.  I know I can try the whole notecard hud thing... but I'm trying to avoid that for now.  I hate typing in everything perfectly.   

    Any advice would be appreciated!



  5. When I log on sl without fail I can tp anywhere I want at least once.  After that I can't tp anywhere not even to my home where there is no lag.  I wait for it and it doesn't "fail" or "Crash"  it does the whole, "You are now offline would you like to quit or read IMs"  thing.  It is so annoying... I can't even play.  It's been like this for ever.  I am using the newest phoenix viewer.  I have tried the SL viewer and I lag so hard I can't even move lol.  I've been playing SL for almost 2 years now and never had this problem.  


    I checked my firewall - fine

    Internet connection - fine  All signals strong and low ping

    bandwidth lowered - still no luck

    History/group - cleared still no luck

    reinstall the viewers - no luck

    detracted prims/scripts - no luck


    I have no idea what else to do... any suggestions?  

  6. My avatar its only 5"4 my height in rl. I'm not playing a teen and I'm over 18. Sometimes I look way too short but hey its sl and I like being short. A lot of avatars are just to big but its the fad to be pretty and tall like a model :P

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