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Kaebora Quinnell

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  1. Is there ever going to be a way for sim owners to disable the use of access lists in a sim? Ban lists are fine, but access list ban lines in many private regions are now seeing a growing trend of verbally restricting the use of them. Understandably so. Access lists ONLY protect the bottom 50 meters of your parcel. If you use this when you live in a skybox, it makes people face-palm. Access lists serve little to no purpose except to annoy your neighbors, disrupt legitimate movement through the sim, and halt the practical use of vehicles in the surrounding area. I own a chain of sims, and we get complaints by neighbors every time access lists are used by a renter. Nobody is going to steal prims from your house when you're offline, and if someone uses your house without your knowledge, your virtual property cannot be harmed in any way (assuming you have open build disabled). If you notice any infringement of your privacy by a trespasser, you can simply parcel ban them. Ban lines for the infiltrator will extend up to 5,000 meters. It is indeed intrusive for us to have to instant message a paying resident and ask or tell them what they can and cannot do. To have access lists disabled on the entire sim would be a godsend in that regard. The majority of our renters love the unrestricted space to fly through. Sure, there are still plenty of people that want to keep their access lists, but a private sim's staff should at least have the ability to make that choice. Edit: Here is a JIRA on the issue https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-508
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