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Rumegusc Altamura

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Posts posted by Rumegusc Altamura

  1. On 12/4/2018 at 9:56 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Non so come si possa affermare che erano informazioni sbagliate. Quelle erano immagini della testa di Jenny attaccata al mio corpo di Maitreya, senza collare e usando XS e S.  

    Se tutti i valori del mio cursore fossero esattamente come specificato, allora probabilmente il mio sarebbe simile alle tue immagini. Tuttavia, poiché tutte le persone non hanno i loro vari slider di dimensioni corporee allo stesso valore, c'è il potenziale per chiunque di avere esattamente quello che ho mostrato nelle immagini. In questo caso, dovrò giocare con i miei cursori corporei per ottenere una misura adeguata.

    Body that i worn on photo is maitreya and i used extreme size as you see: lara version 4.1 


  2. On 11/4/2018 at 3:18 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    In realtà, la parte che ha mostrato sarebbe stata quella che è simile alla cosa del "fissaggio del collo" sui corpi delle maglie. Penso che sia usato per coprire la cucitura se la testa e il collo non si adattano bene, ma per il mio corpo e il mio sistema Maitreya sembra sempre male. 

    Per questa testa, quando l'ho rimosso (nascosto), mi è rimasta una vera cucitura tra la testa e il mio corpo Maitreya. Queste foto mostrano l'area del collo con quell'area rimossa, tagliata a XS e tagliata a S. Fatto intenzionalmente con una pelle non corrispondente per vedere cosa sta facendo.



    Immagino con un po 'di gioco con i miei cursori di forma, potrei ottenere il distacco da lontano e quindi non avrei bisogno di quel manicotto, simile a come ho avuto il mio collo del corpo Maitreya per abbinare al collo del mio sistema.

    Giving wrong information does not help people.
    In these images taken with the gyazo I show you the head of Jenny (visible) with the body maitreya (visible)







    Head Jenny with body maitreya body fat 8



    Head Jenny wih body maitreya body fat 100




    Head Jenny wih body maitreya body fat 100 neck trikness 74 and lenght 100

    And now some abbreviated technical information, since not being insiders, I can understand that you do not know them:

    For simplicity I tell you that the mesh heads, before being exported, are attached to the second life body and vice versa the second life head bodies. Moreover, by convention, this conjunction in 99% of the mesh heads has non-fitted mesh weights.

    This means that they must necessarily match heads and bodies .... Is the concept clear?


    Rumegusc Altamura Creator and CEO Altamura Bento Avatar


    • Thanks 2
  3. On 10/4/2018 at 7:17 PM, Vanity Fair said:

    Ho anche incontrato un insetto incredibilmente stupido nella loro testa Jenny. Il seguente testo e le immagini sono tratte dal post di blog che sto scrivendo su questo accordo, che pubblicherò SOLO dopo aver sistemato lo SLURL. Compratore stai attento!


    Mi sono imbattuto in un insetto con questa testa. L'ho comprato e sistemato per indossarlo con il corpo Altamura Valentina che avevo comprato in precedenza alla Skin Fair. La cucitura del collo sulla testa di Jenny era più ampia del collo sul corpo di Valentina ( vedi immagine, in basso ). Per risolvere il problema, devi fare clic sul pulsante "ALTRO" sull'HUD della testa Jenny in dotazione e quindi CLICARE INTORNO PER TROVARE IL PULSANTE INVISIBILE che rimuove questa giuntura , posizionata da qualche parte sopra il pulsante dell'orecchio sul fondo!

    Ho già detto alle persone del supporto clienti di Altamura quanto è stupida questa decisione di progettazione. Ecco una trascrizione reale della mia conversazione con il loro rappresentante:

    {Ho cancellato questo}

    Forse Altamura pubblicherà un HUD aggiornato con una correzione per questo problema incredibilmente stupido. Pulsanti invisibili ?! ?? NON sono affatto colpito da questo.

    Neck Problem.png

    Hello, Vanity Fair :)

    What you show is the neck size, it is not a seam. However the HUD is fixed on the sold version and not on the demo. We named this part "Neck size" and Now you can turn off the neck .So you can widely spread this news on your blog :). Neck size  exists to connect the mesh head with the second life body. It is not necessary on bodymesh, if the creator of the body has respected the canons of sl. Even if the body mesh creator has not respected it, the body will be provided with a fitting neck, you can use that.

    https://gyazo.com/e661bcab73a49e1832bef3638eb591e4 Jenny without neck size

    https://gyazo.com/50180d9e3896f5a8da4e2932b9048cbd Jenny with neck size and HUD of head.

    Sure you will use this information for a correct information to your followers, I thank you in advance and I send you best regards.


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  4. We can speack of hand too?

    This rig of hand not is good. 

    I can make joint position, yes.... in this mode when creators of animation use basic skeleton of second life my hand move good...yes. Too bad we can only have one joint position for the same bones(if i undderstood) yes... but...As we put rings and nails?

  5. If Creators seek changes is because they know well  their costumers and they know that if the mechanism does not verge  possible perfection of sl, costumers will complain and creators can not lose face. They want all for their costumers, but this not is possible.Now we have this situation:the animations will work great on mesh heads without slider and sliders will work fine on heads without facial animation(or very little). To costumers the choice, according to their preferences. However no one can have the same head that he or she created with apparence on avatar of system, this must be clear.

  6. Sincerely Bento project for avatars human mesh, not only useless, but also harmful. As you say the vast majority of the avatars are human.

    A) FACE
    Linden has entered the slide to the deformation of the face, and instead each animation of the face depends on the morphology of the face = is not appropriate any changes to the face by the costumers, even minimal, otherwise it will create the animation of the face of the "MONSTERS" . Also two IDENTICAL faces, but with a different construction of the mesh (vertices and edge positioned differently in space) will not move in the same way. Furthermore, since the assignment of the totally arbitrary weights, the same head mesh with assignment of different weights will move otherwise.
    it follows:
    1) who does Animations, will not make animations for mesh faces if not for a specific face and not the other.
    2) users that would be deluding themselves to reproduce your face avatar of SL will be disappointed
    3) no sane creator of mind you can afford the luxury of bringing discredit on a head mesh market that will not satisfy any of its customers expectations, but, rather, let them down with faciali animations that do not work, just move a slide.
    This and much more (I can not make a treaty).

    B) ELBOW
    They inserted tails, wings, legs .... but the elbows and knees of human avatars that implode when they bend, we want to do something? some miserable little bone for this problem you could use it.

    C) HANDS
    Not being tied to a backward compatibility for the animation of the hands is absurd not to have created a correct rig and a standard mesh of the hand on which those who make animations, could be based to create animations. The position of the hand of the avatar of the base has fingers very Lg between them and not existing the metacarpal bones, when you go to rotate the fingers to push them up against each other remains a space between them. "No problem, you edit the skeleton", true, the fact remains that each one will have his skeleton and there is no universality to get decent animations.

  7. To animate the hair so credible, as well as the skirts (they may not fit into the legs of the avatars) need to be created a complete and specific AO for THAT hair. I experienced the skirts 4 years ago using the collision volume. If instead you want to create hair for photos and small videos with firm avatar, you can use the bones of wings modifying it in edit mode. So you can create different pose with a single hair.

  8. Gael i think so , too. I must hack again system for my  face animation. Now i start to study this. This the second after fitted mesh: NOT IS POSSIBLE USE THE SAME BONES FOR ANIMATION AND MORPH. Gael i make face animation since two years with only 8 bones, you think that project Bento born for facial animation, but the skeleton proposed tells us more.

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