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Gemifer Saphir

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Posts posted by Gemifer Saphir

  1. Ok so this is the 2nd time I have lost everything in the past 2 months remind you I have been heer since 2007 and 'had' quite a collection. But I get dropped from server logged out, then NOT 1 of my scripts work. Mesh Body is all deformed because the auto deformer that allows me to do my own shape is broken. I have no face as the mesh head script is locked out, I have no more AO's as they are locked and the only way to fix this I have found so far is to re submit a request for a replacement once again then start all over from scratch yet again remaking all outfits and folders. It costs me over 50,000L a month ago to replace 'some' items I needed. Not going that route again. So, does anyone know or understand what is going on and how to fix this?

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