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Moondust Sella

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Everything posted by Moondust Sella

  1. UPDATE!! All sorted thanks to above poster Sandis Jenkins who has very cleverly managed to get me a group invite! Apparently the landlord is offline due to RL problems! Isn't this community wonderful!!! Thank you Sandis Jenkins. You are a Superstar!!
  2. Hi, sadly there is no refund option on the rental box 😒
  3. Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I had a look, but there is no such information available that I can see. It says closed enrollment and 66members, but when I open up group information there are no members' details visible.
  4. Thanks, yes I hadn't thought of that. I guess I've just been lucky not to have had this happen before. Darn it! I really wanted that plot 🙄
  5. Hi, I recently found my dream mainland plot to rent, paid my L$ upfront and was keen to start rezzing my stuff right away. However, there was no group invite offered and the button asking for a group invite on the rental box dropdown didn't offer me one either, it just said 'you should have a group invite now', but there wasn't one. I searched up the group, but you do need an invite to join and without one I can't rez anything on the land. Maybe this is why the perfect plot was still lying vacant! This was a couple of days ago. Since then I have sent the landlord a couple of IMs and a notecard, just in case his IMs were capped, but they have never appeared online. They appear to be a 'one-man-band' kind of operation. I realise that RL happens and that the landlord may have problems of their own and can't get online, but if they never return and I don't get to use my plot ever, is there any means for me to claim a refund at all, or is that it? I have been a casual user on SL for around 16 years, in one form or another, and I must have been pretty lucky, as this has never happened to me before. What, if anything, can I do now? Moral of the story~ if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!
  6. Hi, I have been away from SL for quite a while and I have places on my 'Picks' list that are now obsolete. I'd like to remove them and add some newer ones, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I use the standard LL viewer.
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