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Jerry Spierwit

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  1. They told me I could reenter the same card. And I did. As far as I know it has something to do with changing from a beta billing system to a live one. But thats just a guess from all the reactions combined. I never received a mail stating that was the case, just the (smelly) mail that I should change my billing info, or else something... I can imagine that transferring payment data from one system to another without the consent of the owner of that data can't be done (legally), or something of the sort. Anyway, I deleted my data and reentered the same and haven't had an email since. But for future occasions it might be wise for LL not to make a genuine email look like a phishing mail, with all the weird links and all... I'd fire the corporate communications manager, lol. :matte-motes-sarcasm: Oh, btw in all fairness: thumbs up for the guy on the live chat. That was fast service.
  2. Can you be more specific, Linden Lab Community Manager?? The email in question (I had two now) has every aspect of a phishing mail, whilst there seems nothing wrong in the billing info on my account. If you want pple to change something, put it on the homepage dashboard and not in a hoax mail. I guess you dont want to loose these pple as customer, do you? UPDATE: I just had a chat with the helpdesk, and they told me to delete and readd my (same) creditcard. So I did.
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