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Morellio Benoir

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  1. I love all the work done with Mesh, great job LL! I've been toying with this idea for a while, and it's basically impossible without server side support. Imagine hooking one of these up to your computer and using it for SL: http://www.itworld.com/personal-tech/228615/microsoft-rumored-be-working-kinect-2-whether-you-want-it-or-not Most people's initial complaint when I talk about controlling your avatar with a Kinekt is oh the lag it will create. The thing is, you're talking about a simple text string with position information transmitted at a frequency that's up to the server. Compared to music or video streams it seems tiny and inconsequential. What I dream about goes well beyond simply controlling your avatar though. If you could actually recognize finger movements, creating objects and places in Second Life could be as awesome as Tony Stark in Iron Man 2 discovering his new unnamed element sans holograms. So how about it, LL? Kinekt support? :) Much love, Morellio
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