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Almila Augenblick

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Everything posted by Almila Augenblick

  1. For example: "is exporting textures from inworld to hdd free? Or charged?" Where can I ask questions like this inworld? and what is the answer of this above first question? :smileyhappy:
  2. I couldn't find the place? :smileyindifferent: and surely this doesn't work anymore: https://www.flickr.com/groups/16239235@N00/discuss/72157594546736903/
  3. thank you for your reply! So if i buy e.g 550 Lindens will my zero limit upgraded immediately?
  4. The sell limit summarizes and restricts market and limit sell usage of the LindeX™ exchange.My current limit is 0$! should I have a current premium account to sell my lindens? It doesn't say so? what should I do to raise my sell limit from 0 to next level? :smileysad:
  5. I don't know 5 years ago? It was there with the hair option but no more... with the changed viewers? Is the problem with me or is it changed? How to edit eyebrows? Using kimberly startup shape and skin, found an edittable brow, still the menu doesn't show up..
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