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Sned Flanagan

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  1. I use the current SL viewer (Second Life Release (64bit)). It seems i'm missing my favorites bar which was always located in the upper right of my screen. How do i get it back? I know there is probably an easy answer... but can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide. :)
  2. Hi Irene and thanks for your response. Not a silly question at all actually; but yes I click the "OK" button. Still I continue to be logged out after an extended period of time.
  3. I use SL viewer 3 and keep getting logged out due to inactivity though I've changed the "Away Timeout" setting to "never" on the general tab in preferences. In the earlier SL viewers I was able to prevent from being logged out for literally days. Now it seems, I'm logged out after only 3-4 hours due to inactivity. What settings need to be changed so I can stay logged in for extended periods of time?
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