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Miana Siabonne

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Everything posted by Miana Siabonne

  1. Hello and good day :), I'm seeking a highly skilled builder to help design and contruct a new building or buildings for a social club I'm taking over in the near future. Our current one is.... dated to say the least, and the style it's contructed simply isn't a good feel for out future. Just to give an idea of the architectural style and theme of what I'm hoping to have built; Given our groups name; I'm seeking to have a Vineyard-themed building contructed; with an 1st floor pressing area, large room filled with wooden barrels, and of course a wonderful detailed wine cellar. This is mainly to keep in theme with the name of group which is..... The Cellar :), which is the reason for the them. On the floors above, looking for main set of rooms for social gatherings, along with several side rooms for specific uses; front and rear patios, small stages, and a second floor area approiate to small dance parties.. This is a private club althoug the membership is large. Ideally, I'd like someone skilled in using arches, columns, indoor waterfalls and plants, skylights in order to give the social rooms a very open and naturalistic feel. I'd like for the colors and textures to reflect this; lots of exposed wood, light browns and tans used for marble and stonework, green accents (this is to reflec the abundance of plants inside, I'd really like to have a few nearly full sized trees in the main area) but with black wrought ironwork used for door handles, lights etc to give a strong contrast color. As for lighting, appliances and other installations I'd much prefer something around the mid 20th century with a mix of industrial or luxuary fittings depending on the are. I fully intend to add as much as ambience to this; atmosperic lighting and shadows, particles for dust, lights streaming in window. Please note; this is a womens only-BDSM club, but with minimal amounts of the typical elements for BDSM and then only for the smaller rooms. It's supposed to give the feel of high-class club, one that anyone not part of would not question at first class; it's a.... repurposed vineyard after all :D. I'm willing to pay in either Lindens or any full perm items needed for the contruction, and ideally I'd like to keep the price for this under 40,000 for the whole, with up to 10,000 bonus if the building is built to my full satisfaction ahead of schedule. I'm a fairly skilled builder myself with quite a few texutres, I'd build the whole thing myself but time is a factor, this must be at least completed to the point the building itself and the main rooms are completed by New Years eve (re-launching the club on that day, sort of grand re-opening Also, I'd really like to work with you as much as possible, not only to help get it done quicker but also be a part of this progress, this whole thing is a labor of love as much as anything :D Contact me ingame either IM or NC and I receive IM's offline as well. Cheers and hope to hear from you!!! P.S. This is not going to a sim-sized build, the ground will be around a quarter-sim, half or more of which will be gardened or smaller buidlings. Figure a footprint of between 4096-9192 total
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