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Amy Dominica

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Everything posted by Amy Dominica

  1. YAYYYYY i found a script that i could alter that does everything i want it to and more. touch to unpack into a folder owner only and it doesnt give the script send the lil thak you message and deletes the package automatically after unpacking ty everyone who viewed my post
  2. because thats an extra step i dont want my customers to have to go through cuz when you click to open you have to wait for the window to pop up with whats all in it and then accept to inventory apposed to click and its in a folder in inventory and you get a lil message after unpacking
  3. ok so im trying to get an unpacking script for my business one that can only be touched to unpack by the owner of the bag *prim* and it will give everything but the script itself to that person and also sends a lil message thanking them for their business if anyone can help me plzzz. ive tried the standard give all scripts but when a 3rd person touches the item they get whats inside also and i dont want that to happen. also i want everything in the bag to be in 1 folder not scattered in inventory
  4. ty Innula Zenovka for your help works perfect
  5. hey everyone i was wondering if anyone could help me out with a script it seems simple to me but may not be simple to make. I am looking for a script that when /8 open is typed in local the object will not only turn invisible but become phantom and when /8 close is typed in local the object will be seen again and become physical again. this is for a "hidden room" in a build im doing for a photography studio but the client wants it to where unless you cam through the building you cant use her posestand so if anyone can plz help me out it would be greatly appreciated :) you can contact me inworld (amy.dominica)
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