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Dessicated Audion

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Everything posted by Dessicated Audion

  1. 2016-04-19 20:24:06f6d71beaSource: esterlongsocks Resident Gift Region: Violet L$10000L$201722016-04-19 20:22:21c15c820aSource: Deliqhtful Resident Gift Region: Violet L$10000L$10172I was sent this amount of lindens on two seperate accounts within a few minutes, this is hardly coincidence and I believe these two accounts were hacked.
  2. Somebody teleported into the sim I was at and sent me 75 lindens and said it was someone else's money, I'm not friends with them and they seem to have sent it to several different people in the sim.
  3. I am having trouble detaching a prim for my avatar, I've tried to reset to default character but it just switches to that avatar while keeping the prim attached. It has been on for a while now, relogging doesn't do anything.
  4. My account was hacked not long ago and I lost loads of stuff in my inventory! Is there ANY chance on getting this stuff back?
  5. Has anyone else noticed that some people give you some weird push that sends you flying over the other side of the sim? I don't know what it is but it's really starting to get on my nerves.
  6. I'm trying to login Second Life but it keeps saying that the region is logging out and that I've been banned until the 28th, but I haven't done anything wrong!
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