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Rouse Hoxley

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Posts posted by Rouse Hoxley

  1. On 20/2/2017 at 5:14 PM, Quinn Lysette said:


    1. they are like lifeless manikins

    MMMmmm .. default avatar look more manikins and with mesh body looks more realistic. I've slink (physique and hourglass) and maitreya, both looks really great. Don't like how look my classic avatar. Yes, maybe some mesh body are expensive, but slink are 1250 L$ (without feet and hands - I love hourglass shape *.* very curvylicious) and maitreya 2750 L$ (included bento hands and feet - with glam affair skins), both are good option and looks awesome. About mesh head, I've CATWA (Bento and non-bento) they move your mouth, and yes they (mesh head and addons) are very... very expensive.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    if you cancel a order for a limit buy, the money normally is returned to your USD balance, you don't get it back on your CC or paypal account.

    From the USD balance you can make a proces credt, If you meet all requirements LL will transfer it to your paypal.

    If they have additional questions, LL will come back to you in a support case/email.

    Wow SL steal my money... because they get fees! 1.5%

  3. 8 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    The longest? Forever.  Remember, the LindeX is not a shop.  It is a currency exchange.  You are offering to buy L$ from other SL residents, who may not be interested if your offer is too low.  If you have set an unrealistic target price, or if you get impatient waiting -- as I did this morning -- just go to the LindeX Order History on your dashboard at secondlife.com >>> LindeX and cancel the order.  The money that Linden Lab has been holding in an escrow account for your potential purchase will be released to the USD balance on your account immediately, so it's availble for you to place a new order.  This time, set a better Limit price or just use the Market Buy option for an immediate transaction.

    If accidentally i pucharsed for LindeX and cancel the order.... how get a refund? or need open in case to my paypal?

  4. Hola a todos compre lindens en Linden Exchange, probando el tipo de limit buy, aja todo bien el problema que coloque la cantidad incorrecta... así que cancele la orden no tarde ni 5 minutos y demora mucho. al hacerlo esperaba el dinero de vuelta a mi paypal... para mi sorpresa no me lo devolvieron, lo cuál me genero mucha molestia. Aja, quiero saber como pido devuelta mi dinero pague en paypal. O debo abrir un caso en paypal reclamado uso no autorizado de mi dinero?. Pues cancele la orden,

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