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Nifae Tzal

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  1. It's called "TheHype Jacket", but I can't find it on the marketplace. Sorry! <3
  2. I'm not very good with choices, thanks for your input. <3
  3. It's actually glowsticks, it's an item my friend (a very talented dev!~) made, but he no longer has it, and this one is no transfer. It changes color if you give it a RGB value, here's a bigger picture. http://i52.tinypic.com/53ac7n.png And here's a "compromise" between both looks, any good? http://i53.tinypic.com/fxdwns.png And here's the full jacket without the dress. http://i55.tinypic.com/2h5ogtj.png Feel free to add me ingame (Nifae or Nifae Tzal) if you want to talk more. <3
  4. http://i51.tinypic.com/234rvp.png or http://i51.tinypic.com/11i3335.png I'm thinking the first! (the arms block out the nudity, teehee!~)
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