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Rhys Goode

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Posts posted by Rhys Goode

  1. I cannot figure out the universal layer.

    I stand naked in my BOM-enabled mesh avatar, create, wear, and edit a new universal layer.

    If I drop a texture into the Head Tattoo, Eye Tattoo, Upper Tattoo, or Lower Tattoo boxes, they instantly appear on my avatar, mapped according to the classic SL UV maps. I can then take the universal layer off, put it on, it behaves just as I expect.

    If I drop a texture into any of the other boxes.... nothing happens. Well, the texture shows fine, in the box. but nothing seems to happen to the universal layer I am wearing on my avatar.

    What am I missing?????  I am confused.

  2. I've always taken the notion of using llListenRemove very seriously, put timers so no listen_handle is open longer than it needs to be.

    But I have been playing with a chatbox script, that opens a handle on channel 0, and sucks in each and every word from local chat, parses each line, decides what to say and says it. By it's nature the script needs to listen to local chat all the time, it never stops.

    So, I know in a vague sort of way, this is bad for lag. But I am really unclear if it is bad for my lag, or for the lag of people around me. I see no ill effects on my own lag, but I have a high end machine. If the listening and parsing etc are done in my own viewer, I don't see a problem using it. But what about the other guy?

    And I have no understanding of how to answer the question "how bad", quantitatively. I'll be using the script on a private sim, I'd like to make a rational decision about whether or not to run it. Depending on "how bad", I might I might shrug and say "meh", or I might recoil in horror.

    Anyone know how to get some useful numbers?

  3. Quote

    I was looking at some partially rezzed couches just tonight. Holes in them. They were made with bad LOD choices, but I could overcome by setting Grapics:general: LOD distance factor to 4, from the default of 2. (default depends on your machine)..... a lot of stuff out there sacrifices LOD for low LI.


  4. It looks like a real LL notice to me, I've had friends receive the same. Contact LL to be sure, but in the cases I knew, it was a case of produce appropriate RL ID or have the account closed. Yes, because of the US Patriot Act. Yes, stupid and unfair. Not LL's fault on this one, though.

  5. Don't worry about your old shape. I have a collection of mesh avatars, at first I tried them all with my very own, made long ago, and tweaked over the years shape. But it didn't really work for any of them...  I've ended up with a different shape file for each of them. I was able to get my Maitreya body close enough to my classic shape that I can wear a fair amount of my old mesh clothing. But it needed different slider values to look more or less the same as my old shape on the classic avatar.

    • Like 2
  6. huh?

    looking today  at chat logs from 5 years ago. Stored on my hard drive. Well, copied from one hard drive to another. But as long as I take care, read the instructions, and do not do the vanilla default installs, never lost or got overwritten in 10 years.

    Documented and easy, if you take the time to look. No overwriting I have ever seen.

  7. Clothing made for rigged mesh avatars can indeed be rigged for a given avatar, so as not to need alphas. But in practice, most of my mesh clothing for my mesh avatars *does* need alphas.

    As I understand it, only a few of the mesh avatar makers will share the appropriate rigging info with clothing creators, so the creators have to do it by trial and error. Making use of the avatar's alpha system makes this a whole lot easier. A lot of my rigged clothing automatically turns on the appropriate alpha system when I wear it, and the alpha's are unnoticeable till I remove the clothing.

  8. Some of my best friends have original SL avatars. And several excell at hostessing and other high visiblitly occupations. None of the avatars in SL are particularly lifelike, in my SL, it depends on how you interact with other people, a lot more than the details of how you look.


    I hate to tell you Zenrei. But if you *need* to use the collar to have your sub dress as you wish, and when you wish, they are not really your sub at all.

  9. what is all the hoo ha about HUDS and rendering costs? Things worn on the HUD have no impact at all on rendering cost. At least not one the number calculated by SL.

    I have some old, old hair about 75,000 added to rendering cost if I wear it on my head, exactly zero impact on rendering cost if worn as a hud. Looks a bit odd on the screen, gotta say.

    And most of my huds have scripts that to not interact with the server in any way shape or form till I activate them. A box with zero rendering cost that holds scripts that only interact wth you browser will do absolutely nothing to your neighbors SL experience. Perhaps slow you down a bit, but no one else.

  10. So, you have a rigged mesh garment linked to a tiny prim. All you have to do is attach the combined prim + mesh linkset wherever you like.  The mesh part is rigged, and will fit the same no matter where you attach it. But the prim part will go where you put it, and once there, can be edited like any other worn prim. You can change its size, position, or texture.

    So, since it is a shirt, I would attach it to the left or right pec, then edit link parts while wearing, move the prim part to inside of the avatar torso. And then give it a transparent texture, just for good measure.

  11. Trying to get onto the beta grid, first time in nearly a year. But it won't let me log in with my current SL password.

    Do I need to reset my password? File a jira? Come back next week because it is down this week?

    Any info welcome, thanks!

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