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Rhinocerilla Warziders

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  1. I'm trying to figure out how to get an object to rez the entirety of it's contents, but i'm just entirely stumped. Can any of you give me a hand? Edit: The issue I'm having is when I try to get the object to rez the contents, I can only get it to rez a single object, as opposed to the entire contents
  2. I'm building a knife, and i have a draw/sheath script set up for it: float cloakSpeed = 0.1; default { touch_end(integer total_number) { float alpha = 1.0; while(alpha > 0.0) { alpha -= 0.1; llSetAlpha(alpha, ALL_SIDES); llSleep(cloakSpeed); } state cloaked; } } state cloaked { touch_end(integer total_number) { float alpha; while (alpha < 1.0) { alpha += 0.1; llSetAlpha(alpha, ALL_SIDES); llSleep(cloakSpeed); } state default; } } i just don't know how to make the one glowing prim stop when sheathed, then start again when drawn again :/
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