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Destiny Marques

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Posts posted by Destiny Marques

  1. 14 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    @Phil Deakins

    Quote "If I read somewhere on a blatantly racist website that white skinned people devoloped only 8-12 thousand years ago, and if I have no reason to think that it's untrue because I ONLY trust blatantly racist websites, so I believe it, and post it, it does NOT make me a racist unless people check up on the lies and catch me. You seriously DON'T OWE kristen an apology for posting that she's racist. So be grown up and DON'T apologise to the racist. " Unquote.

    I corrected your post, Amendments in RED.

    She is repeating racist propaganda, from anti-white racist websites, that claim that Europe was inhabited by BLACK people who invented all civilisation, until 'albinos' spontaneously appeared, and mysteriously conquered the world, despite being inferior and outnumbered. She is apparently according to you, doing this without knowledge, innocence by reason of ignorance.

    You know, her comment about having 'white family and friends' would have sounded more sincere, if one of her earlier posts hadn't mentioned that in SL, she had chosen to have her white boyfriend resprayed in a 'less white' colour.


    You know, her comment about having 'white family and friends' would have sounded more sincere, if one of her earlier posts hadn't mentioned that in SL, she had chosen to have her white boyfriend resprayed in a 'less white' colour.


    You are truly pathetic and a delusional, pathological liar to boot. No where have I ever posted that insipid hogwash, nor can you even post a direct link to anywhere in this forum where I've stated that. Seriously, are you crazy or on drugs? LOL

    You can't even get your lie straight. I don't  have a white boyfriend in SL, however, I am married to a Norwegian in RL. Are you suggesting that I have him resprayed to look less white? LMAO! 

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  2. 39 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    You may be,but I'm not.

    If I read somewhere that white skinned people devoloped only 8-12 thousand years ago, and if I have no reason to think that it's untrue, so I believe it, and post it, it does NOT make me a racist. You seriously OWE kristen an apology for posting that she's racist. So be grown up and apologise. Sadly, I suspect that you are not mature enough to do that.

    Hi Phil,

    The article that I posted to her was directly from Science mag. Which she ignorantly quoted as 'racist propaganda'. :D I didn't think that I needed to spell out to her that due to a colder climate, dietary changes, and evolution, the people who lived in the Northern Latitudes began producing less melanin which enabled them to better absorb vitamin D.  Perhaps I was affording her too much credit? Yet, pointing out natural evolutionary changes is considered "racist' to her.  When all is said and done, we're all human in  the end. Well, maybe except her. She may actually be some alien species, previously unknown to man.

    More links below for her viewing pleasure:






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  3. 22 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    Oh so it's ok to be a lying ignorant racist if you hate WHITE people, because 'we deserve it', ah, nice to know, thanks for sharing.

    So according to your brazen stupidity, I hate white people so much that I married one. Not to mention that I have White people and other colors of people all throughout my family, and we all get along fabulously might I add.:D


    Yeah, it doesn't make any logical sense to me either. You know why? Because in this catastrophic disaster known as your "response", you have neglected to make any valid point whatsoever. Keep clutching for those non-existence straws, you may finally grasp hold of something.

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  4. Just now, Klytyna said:

    That wasn't a 'deflection attack' it was a statement, based on a remark in which you made a racist claim, specifically, that 'white people' didn't exist before 8-12,000 years ago, which I can only assume you obtained from one of the many racist propaganda websites like the one I provided a link to and quotes from.

    That site supported your racist claim, that 'white people' didn't exist before 8-12k years ago, a belief which goes hand in hand with claims that Cretans, Greeks, Romans and Europeans in general were 'black' before the 'albino' invaders magically appeared out of thin air 8-12,000 years ago . 

    You repeat LIES originating with racists, admit you believe and accept these LIES, but don't want to be labeled as the Racist, you show your self to be by repeating and supporting the racist propaganda.

    We're done here


    Ms. Bigoted Google scholar extraordinaire - chill out. Go smoke a spliff, beat an unruly sub, burn a cross in some unsuspecting person of color's yard, or whatever it is that you do to unwind and take a load off. The world will keep revolving as usual, Americans will keep their hyphens, and POC the world over will keep claiming their heritage despite your screeching protests to the contrary.

    So to summarize and put things into a perspective in which you can comprehend -  What have you accomplished in this long and very detailed interaction of keyboard clacking and textual gymnastics? Not a dog gone thing. Well, we did bump this thread up to over 100 replies so I guess that counts for something. :D

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  5. 21 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    I don't have a 'problem' with black Americans or black people. 

    I DO have a problem with ignorant people calmly spouting fact free racist propaganda, on the assumption that because it's directed at caucasians, it's somehow 'acceptable' and 'justified'.

    You have spouted BS about the meaning of a French word, claimed non-black people didn't exist before 8000 years ago, and shown a poor grasp of the English language, that appears to be based on you hating the colour of the people who invented it.

    You openly display racist views, and that is your problem.


     Your failed deflection tactics don't work here. You should have attempted to paint me as a "racist" like 3 or 4, possibly 5 responses ago, you may have been a bit more believable then. Don't wait until I point out your glaring racial intolerance to play that childish tit for tat game. Everyone already sees through you.

    Oh and you should really look up Creoles of color. We are a recognized group in Louisiana and have been for centuries. Your continual spouting off about French/Spanish Creoles doesn't change that fact, nor does it change what is defined as a "Creole of color" or "Black Creoles". Since you're a Google/Wikipedia scholar, here's some reading for your enjoyment:


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  6. 3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I always check ,Other,just for the fun of it..


    Seriously though,my intentions were sincere with the music..It's very good music and video..It felt very tense in here..:ph34r:


    I love relaxing music. Native American flutes, Gregorian chanting, anything really. I think the only tense one here is that miserable creature posting above us who is triggered by hyphens. LOL

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  7. 55 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    You appear to have difficulty comprehending the English Language, I said I did NOT have an issue with Caucasians originating in and migrating from the Rift Valley in Kenya, Africa (in case you didn't know where that was).

    IO SAID I was amused by certain people, assumingthey can say garbage, and cover it by playing the "your ancestors left Africa 150,000 years before mine" card.

    Let me spell that out a little plainer for you since you seem to have difficulty.

    The Afro Pretentious Movement wrote: "Hi I'm special because MY Ancestors left Africa by boat 2-300 years ago, while yours left on foot 150,000 years ago and went a funny washed out colour, so you are forbidden to disagree with me when I spout factually questionable propaganda!" 


    Outstanding example of factually questionable propaganda. doubtless backed by the kind of website that proclaims

    "Eureka! The Albinos have finally admitted where they come from!" http://www.realhistoryww.com/world_history/ancient/White_people.htm

    while claiming  that Europe is the Ancestral home of Black people, and then denigrates the idea of paler skin in northern latitudes due to vitamin D by claiming cases of Rickets  as proving this a 'lie' when in fact, Humans produce Vit D from sunlight, and its Vit C that's involved in Rickets.

    Now regardless of your position on the validity of vitamin D as a cause of pale skin in Caucasians, fraudulently claiming Rickets caused by Vitamin D and that SuperBlacks (tm) don't need this vitamin, is moronically stupid racist propaganda.

    Oh and you know that humans have existed in Central and Northern Europe for MORE than 8,000 years right?

    Ohof course, those pre 8,000 year Europeans were all BLACK, like the Chinese... Yup another Classic Afro-Pretentious Propaganda Quote coming up.

    "It is also not known why the Aryans/Arians would hazard a return to lands that they originally found inhospitable because of the intense Sunshine. Perhaps over the tens-of-thousands of years that they spent in Central Asia, they were able to acquire a "Fixed" degree of Melanination through crossbreeding with the Blacks in China and Eastern Europe who surrounded them"

    How about this fine example of Afro-Pretentious Bull Manure.

    "The earliest Black European writing, that we know about, is the Linear A script which first appeared in Crete (the Middle Minoan period (1700 - 1550 BC). After the Whites invaded (circa 1,200 B.C.), all writing STOPPED!"

    Actually, Minoan Art doesn't seem to depict them as 'Black' and their civilisation's major setback in about 1250 was the island of Santorini about 80 miles north, detonating like a colossal bomb, utterly destroying their major naval base there and sending a devastating tsunami crashing against the coast of Crete, but...

    Hey, what are a few facts between friends when you have the chance to spout fact free Afro-Pretentious racist propaganda against the hated 'Albino Honky Crackers', right?


    Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling past the ad homenins, strawmen, and other assorted fluff fiction..

    Nothing I've said has been racist, so you can peddle that crap elsewhere - nor do I use racist terminology. As a matter a fact, I abhor racist bigots such as yourself, and hateful people in general. You offer nothing of substance to humanity and the only thing you bring to the table is an overflowing cornucopia of divisive foolishness, which is wrapped up tightly in your own arrogance, and steeped in abject intolerance.

    You can quite literally say that my family is an ethnic rainbow of different colors, cultures, and creeds - there is no room for hatred. I don't subscribe to any dogma which dictates that one race or group of people is somehow better or above another. But apparently, you seem to think that your viewpoint is the only valid viewpoint, and it is not. You also seem totally oblivious to the complete and utter garbage that you continuously spew. Well, I just pointed it out to you, so now you know. What you choose to do about it (if anything) is solely up to you.

    I respond back, you reveal your true nature, that's how it goes.  

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I know when I'm all tense and looking to relax,there is nothing like good soothing music.;)

    Oh dear, another hyphenated American. We all know how much Klytyna hates that. We need her to relax, not send her teetering over the edge. Though, I fear she may have already fallen over. :D 


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  9. 24 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    You still seem to be assuming that the word Creole is some exclusive preserve of your home area and your self identified 'ethnicity', I suggest you look the word up on a non Afro-Pretentious source, there are quote 'creole' cultures that are NOTHING to do with Africa or America.

    The word is European, derived from a latin root connected with breeding, and usually used to refer to colony bredd citizens, as opposed to 'homeland bred expatriates'

    This whole thread started because somebody was worried they might get into trouble with the Thought Police ofthe Afro-Pretentious Movement, if they wore an avatar skin that wasn't the same 'ethnicity' as their own, and then degenerated into you, and others, making pretentious and questionable statements.

    Why was this even a damn issue? What next? Can't wear a demon skin unless you are ethnically infernal in RL, got to show an Underdark Passport to wear a Drow skin.

    Grow up and get a damn grip.

    Tl;dr anything beyond that first rambling paragraph of nothingness. FYI, "tl;dr" means - too long;didn't read.  The majority of your responses are nothing more than empty cut and paste jobs anyway, so I'll just say this:

    Whatever your issue is with black Americans or black people in general, is just that - YOUR issue. You probably should work on that and figure out why you have so much disdain towards us, and probably black people in general.

    As for your overall ignorance and bigotry towards Americans, that is another thing that you should perhaps take some time to reflect upon and figure out what's going on there. You can cut 'n' paste all of the articles in the world in an attempt to back up your blatant prejudice and hatred, but you'll only succeed in showing everyone in this forum your true bigoted nature and the vitriol hidden behind your words.



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  10. 39 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    I don't have an issue with humanity migrating out of the Rift Valley, I am amused that some people think that they have a special right to make weird and frankly questionable claims because THIER ancestors left 150,000 years AFTER mine did...

    'Some people' as in the vast majority of scientists and anthropologists. So now you are Eurasian or is it Neanderthal? You seem to be more irritated, than 'amused', if I must say. LOL

    Oh and White people as they are currently known, didn't even exist until about 8000-12,000 years or so ago. So, who are "your" people?





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  11. 1 hour ago, Klytyna said:


    Yeah... I knew there was something I'd seen you say that was nagging at the back of my mind ringing 'Afro-Pretentious' warning bells.


    "In the United States, the word "Creole" refers to people of any race or mixture thereof who are descended from settlers in colonial French La Louisiane and colonial Louisiana (New Spain) before it became part of the United States in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Some writers from other parts of the country have mistakenly assumed the term to refer only to people of mixed racial descent, but this is not the traditional Louisiana usage. In Louisiana, originally Creole was only used to describe people of French and then Spanish descent who were born in Louisiana and used the term to distinguish themselves from newly arrived immigrants. Later, the terms were differentiated further after the emergence of a newly mixed-race group that began to share the usage of the identity, as well as newly arriving Anglo-Americans lumping whites, mixed and blacks into a general francophone "Creole" cultural group "


    Not sure where you get the idea that 'Creole' is exclusively 'Culturally African".

    You seem to pick your definition of Creole to suit your ideology rather than the facts, The term is NOT exclusively 'African' , there are 'Creole' Cultures that have nothing to do with West Africa, being more connected with Spain, Portugal and France .


    http://www.frenchcreoles.com/LouisianaPeople/louisiana creoles/louisiana creoles.html


    Some writers from other parts of the United Stateshave mistakenly assumed the term Creole to refer only to people of mixed racial descent, but this is not the traditional Louisiana usage. In fact some locals, especially those of relatively pure French and Spanish Creole descent, have often argued that the traditional usage excluded African lineage. However, colonial era documents show that a broader usage of the term was already common by the late 18th century, with references to "free Creoles of Color" and even to slaves of pure African descent born in Louisiana as "Creole slaves".

    And we aren't discussing them, we are talking about the vast, arraying cultures within black America point, blank. period. You keep spinning your wheels of deflection by trying to make it about something else, although YOU were the one who mentioned Louisiana Creoles in the first place. My parents and a great majority of my family is from Louisiana. Come again..

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  12. 4 hours ago, Klytyna said:

    Many years ago, a documentary was made following a group of 'Roots Tourists' on their  journey to dissappointment.

    After meeting the nice wellspoken young lady at the Slavery Museum, and learning their ancestors hadn't all been 'African Warriors' kidnapped by whites, but had mainly been unarmed civillians enslaved by, other Africans, and sold to the whites simply because the whites didn't know they were being overcharged. the tourists were able to visit the residence of the local King.

    This cheerful man in a blue and white floral cotton shirt, happily explained how PROUD he was of HIS ancestors improvements to the country, financed by selling THEIR ancestors into slavery. They left dissillusioned and dissappointed that it wasn't how they had expected it to be, none ofthat "Careful my ancestor was a Watusi Warrior, man" stuff they had hoped for.

    There was another documentary made, about Black women in Britain and their complaints that they found it hard to obtain Black boyfriends because the guys were all after 'White Trophy Girlfriends'. During the piece, the crew interviewed two sisters, who emphatically stated that they would never consider dating a white guy.

    These two 'black' girls had a white mother, two white grandmothers, four white great grandmothers, a white grandfather, and three white great grandfathers...

    And the one black great grandfather came from Jamaica with a distinct possibility of an ancestry that wasn't 100% Ethnically West African, so the 'black' sisters were LESS than 12.5%  'Ethnically West African' but still Officially 'Black' according to Afro-Pretentious Ideology

    So, perhaps you can begin to understand why I have doubts about the Afro-Pretentious Movement and take claims of how 'officially black' black people claim to be with a pinch of salt, unless they are actually African. Where are the Franco-americans, the Germano-Americans the Polo-Americans, the Brito-Americans?

    My Mother was Irish, from Ireland, I am HALF Irish, I get annoyed at 'plastic paddies' who blather about wearing the green and how they are 'irish american' because one of their polish immigrant ancestors once kissed an irish girl in 1842, and how they feel about the 'Old Country'. 

    My disregard for the whole group of "[something] Pretentious" Cultural claims by people who have almost NO connection to the "Old Country" isn't based on skin colour, but on the quality of the often inaccurate and pretentious claims.

    I'm not convinced you need to label your selves at all, frankly, can't you just be 'Americans'? I mean, that was supposed to be the whole damn idea behind America, wasn't it? Hence the fact that the requirement for American Citizenship used to be "Resided in the United States for 5 years".

    For the record, I don't 'reply around people', maybe it's that Gascon blood, 


    Unfortunately, when it comes to labels every group in the US has them. Italian-Americans, Native-Americans, Mexican or Hispanic-Americans, Chinese/Japanese/Koreans/Asian (etc)-Americans, German-Americans, Irish-Americans.. the list goes on. I can't speak for why anyone else has chosen to hyphenate their particular ethnic group, but i know for African-Americans (aka black people) it is to pay homage to our ancestors who endured slavery so that we could have better life, also it is a small attempt to reclaim that bit of history that was lost to us, because our ancestors became slaves in this country.

    Black Brits and black Americans share a history of slavery and racism, but that's typically where any similarities end between their stories and ours. https://www.quora.com/Are-black-people-100-black-genetically true, many black Americans like black Brits have some small percentage of European DNA, some more or less than others, but there are also many multi-generational black Americans who have very little if any Euro DNA at all.

    Also, with the recent rise in DNA testing, black people are more keen than ever to learn about our pre-slavery history and reconnect with our roots. Which is why Genealogy tours are more popular than ever in the states. We know that not all of our ancestors were kings, queens, and great warriors - you are referring to a subset of people in our culture who are considered "extremist" or "afrocentric' in their viewpoint, so you shouldn't generalize black people as whole. We are not a monolith, so we do not all think the same, nor do we all believe the same things.


    The truth of the matter is, black people (and the majority of humankind) originate from Africa, that is a proven scientific fact. Whether you choose to take issue with that or not is your business, but you can't dictate to others as to what they should label themselves. Personally, I don't really concern myself with the whys and wherefores when a particular group of people choose to culturally identify as they do. I'm sure that they have their reasons, and it's their business. All I can do as a person of color, as a fellow human being, is stay true to myself and my purpose for being placed on this earth. Whatever that reason may be.

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  13. 21 minutes ago, Klytyna said:


    Yeah... I knew there was something I'd seen you say that was nagging at the back of my mind ringing 'Afro-Pretentious' warning bells.


    "In the United States, the word "Creole" refers to people of any race or mixture thereof who are descended from settlers in colonial French La Louisiane and colonial Louisiana (New Spain) before it became part of the United States in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Some writers from other parts of the country have mistakenly assumed the term to refer only to people of mixed racial descent, but this is not the traditional Louisiana usage. In Louisiana, originally Creole was only used to describe people of French and then Spanish descent who were born in Louisiana and used the term to distinguish themselves from newly arrived immigrants. Later, the terms were differentiated further after the emergence of a newly mixed-race group that began to share the usage of the identity, as well as newly arriving Anglo-Americans lumping whites, mixed and blacks into a general francophone "Creole" cultural group "


    Not sure where you get the idea that 'Creole' is exclusively 'Culturally African".

    You seem to pick your definition of Creole to suit your ideology rather than the facts, The term is NOT exclusively 'African' , there are 'Creole' Cultures that have nothing to do with West Africa, being more connected with Spain, Portugal and France .


    Scrolling past the bloated cut 'n' paste rhetoric...

    I 'get it' from the fact that my family is Creole, so I know first hand about our culture. Not quoted from an online dictionary/article/wikipedia blurb like your post.

    One thing is abundantly clearly from your responses, you know as little about Black American culture, as you claim the Americans in general know about Brit culture. Stop trying to "school me" on something that you obviously know next to nothing about.


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  14. 45 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    Erm... SOME of their ancestors came from West Africa.

    It's important to remember the distinction.

    MY Ancestors were Gascons, from British Aquitaine, they fled from their homes to England over 500 years ago, when the French overran the place, at the tail end of the Hundred Years War.

    We 'Gasco-British' NEVER hold an annual "Music of Gason Origins Awards" bach, where we claim all modern popular music is wholly derived from Ethnic Gascon traditions, and stolen from us by our 'Evil Anglo' neighbours. We NEVER invent insane miss-pronounciations, and claim s.a.d.e is spoken as 'shar-day' and claim we are speaking 'Gasconics' 

    We certainly don't claim that after more than 500 years if intermarriage with non Gascons, that having a so much as a single Gascon chromasome makes us 'Ethnically Gascon'

    Back in the 70's there was this thing, that briefly became popular amongst university educated American Afro-Pretentious, called "Roots Tourism", where you'd take a trip to West Africa, to 'get  back to your African roots', and visit the places from which you fervently hoped, your ancestors had been kidnapped by 'Evil Honky Crackers'.

    Roots tourism fell out of popularity, mainly because when the tourists arrived at the west African port from which most of the slaves had been shipped, and visited the Slavery Museum, a nice well spoken black African university graduate, would kindly explain that the tourists ancestors had been sold by HER ancestors, to passing white traders because the whites going past in ships were too clueless to realise they were overpaying with GUNS and GOLD for surplus PoW's who normally sold for a couple of SILVER pieces to Arab Traders on the overland route..

    So the Roots tourists ended up staying home, with their illusions, and founded the MOBO Awards...

    Maybe... Maybe the Afro-Pretentious Movment could learn from us 'Ethnically and Culturally Gasco-British' ;)

    Genealogy Tourism is still very much a thing in the states, so I'm not sure how you arrived at the foregone conclusion that black Americans stopped going on these tours for whatever contrived reason that you've imagined. 


    Oh and the average black American is also 70 - 90% African, West African to be exact. So your 'single chromosome' comparison doesn't apply to us, though you do seem rather intent on spreading misinformation. What else would we be "ethnically speaking" ? As there is no such thing as "ethnic American", unless of course you happen to be a First Nations indigenous Native American.  


    Next time you can reply directly to me instead of around me. I don't bite, despite the "Wild African" blood. ;)

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  15. 1 minute ago, Pamela Galli said:

    I was just thinking about Norway, because Chin. What I knew about it until I started watching Norwegian TV: there be Vikings. (Don't run into many Norwegians in Texas.) Now I think we ought to model America on Norway.

    You'll probably find more of them around the Houston area than in Dallas (where I am), because many of them relocated there from Norway to work in the oil industry. Yeah, Norway is miles ahead of the U.S. when it comes to standard of living and quality of life.

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  16. 1 minute ago, ChinRey said:

    And that is exactly the difference I had in mind.

    A black person in - say Denmark to pick a random example - will be seen as a foreigner and the racism he or she is met with will be mainly based on the fear of the unknown. An Afro-American is of course not a foreigner and US racism is more based on old unresovled conflicts. Either is of course equally bad but the cause, effect and cure can be quite different.

    I'm not sure how true that is, unless of course I'm not understanding the point you are trying to make. When comparing notes with other black people I've come across online and offline from different parts of the world, when it comes to being on the receiving end of racism - the cause and effect is pretty much universal. When you are being judged on your skin color and experience bigotry and discrimination because of it, it really doesn't matter where you live or where you are from when it happens, you just know that it is because of your race.

    It's funny, my husband is White and Norwegian, but he has witnessed first hand how the issue of "race" is handled here in America, and although in some cases it is more openly expressed here, the sentiments behind it are still the same. Even in Norway, It's just more covert and insidious there.

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  17. 1 hour ago, ChinRey said:

    Most people in SL wouldn't even know what the word "blackface" means

    And that brings up a rather important and often overlooked aspect of racism. So a double caution here:

    For Americans: do not assume that your concept of racism has any relevance whatsoever elsewhere in the world,

    and for non-Americans: do not assume that your concept of racism has any relevance whatsoever to the USA.

    I'm not saying one kind of racism is less bad than the other, they're probably about the same in that respect, But apart from, that, they are very different.

    This is why it's a good thing to have friends from all over the world, as it will allow you to broaden the most myopic of perceptions and realize that the earth is a much bigger place than your tiny corner of it.

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  18. 1 hour ago, Klytyna said:


    Being British, and online, over the years I've regularly had to deal with Americans raging at us Brits for calling black people, black. "Oh you have to call them African-Americans" to which one must then explain that the ones here are a) not American and many are in no way shape or form African, and that b) they refer to themselves as Black British, and last and by no means least, c) that we make this distinction between Black people of Caribbean origin and African origin because we have Real Africans here.

    Real Wild Africans.

    From Africa...


    Myself and many of the Black people that I have encountered during my years in SL (including my Egyptian brother) refer to ourselves as Black. Are we African by nationality? of course not (with the exception of my brother and other friends who were born in Africa) we're Americans, born in America - however, we are still black Americans with direct African ancestry. Whatever DNA, culture, and traditions they brought over with them to this country, guess what? Got passed down to their future generations - though a great deal of it got watered down or assimilated out of us over time, we have not forgotten where our ancestors came from or how we ended up here.

    There are groups here who haven't strayed away from those African traditions that our ancestors left them with and they still practice them today - Gullah culture, Creole culture are just two of them, there are more. We also have plenty of people from all over Africa here in America, and a large community of people from various African nations where I live, they don't seem to take offense to any black person who chooses to refer to themselves as African-American, because they understand where it comes from. If, like myself there are those who choose to refer to themselves as Black, they are fine with that as well;  to each their own.


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  19. 1 hour ago, Dusky Jewell said:

    I started out in SL (2007) with a tan skin, with the intent to represent as a black avatar - "dusky" - in SL. High quality avatar options were slim to none for people of color. (I am white/black biracial in RL). I too was socially ignored until I began to wear lighter skin tones. Your dark skin will probably do much better in today's social-political scene in SL.

    I strongly believe that anyone can be anything in SL, however I don't like the cringe-worthy, sexual objectifying of black men and women in SL by people that are role-playing as black "bulls", rapists, thug and black thot/hoe/***** stereotypes, and a variety of other bizarre interracial porn fantasies. I doubt that the majority of those type of avatars are controlled by real black people. Wearing a black skin in SL is not black face, unless you are choosing to wear a black avatar in a derogatory fashion with the intent to hurt us.

    I've had pretty much the same experience in SL, and still notice a distinct difference in the way that I'm treated with something as simple as a change in hair. I also hear you about the racial fetishes and sexual objectification based on whatever preconceived ideology that one may possess concerning a particular race - however, I tend to stay away from that side of SL. When it comes to two consenting adults engaging in such activities, to each their own, I just choose not to partake in it.  Thankfully, black and other ethnic skins have vastly improved over the years in SL, but the way they are perceived and treated by others, well, we have a ways to go still.

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  20. Hi twik,

    First off, allow me to wish you the best of luck on your modeling endeavors, and also add that the way I got into modeling, may not be the right way for everyone. I got into it about a year or so after joining SL. I'd met some people who were in the fashion industry and we became friends over time. Some suggested modeling school, which I did attend and graduated from (certificate and all), but this is not where my SL modeling career began.

    I wasn't really interested in doing runway work - which is what they teach you in modeling school, along with posing, styling, and presenting. I wanted to do in-store modeling instead. Let me just say, that unless you plan on doing runway work, save your money and skip modeling school. Anyway, I started by upgrading my avi (this was long before the mesh explosion) and having professional photos taken to build up a portfolio - once I had that done, I started applying for jobs.

    It was actually pretty easy to get hired (not saying that this will be your experience), and before long I was getting one in-store modeling job after another, so I just kept building up my resume.  In-store modeling jobs aren't as plentiful as they used to be, but every now and again, you may come across one that is hiring. Just be persistent, keep your avi upgraded, and photos up to date. I've had people offer me work or photographers snap pics and ask if I would be interested in doing a shoot for them - you just never know.

    I don't model anymore and haven't in a long time, but if you have anymore questions, feel free to ask or msg me inworld @ Kristen Beornssen. Good luck!


    EDIT: As some have previously mentioned above - blogging seems to be the way to go nowadays, so you may want to try going that route. Unfortunately, modeling in SL isn't what it used to be.

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