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Kona Anton

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  1. Hello! I was wondering if shared media had any primitive param commands for LSL? I'm just looking for real simple here, such as toggling it on and off. Specifically making a computer monitor that I want to have a button to turn Shared Media on or off. Thanks :)
  2. Ahh sorry about that, it's http://strawberrysingh.com/2010/11/30/male-fashion-sixx-yangtz/#commentlist And yes thank you! I found the hair at that location
  3. Hi everyone, I just switched to Viewer 2 from Phoenix, and Im wondering if it is possible to change the timestamps in chat to 12 Hour instead of 24?
  4. Hello! Well, I was reading a fasion blog and saw a hair+hat I liked, but all the blog said for it was the name which is "a.C – STD.GloXhair ZioN (hair with wrap" Ive searched high and low for it but nothing turns up. Im not sure if a.C. is a company or what, but if anyone knows anything about it that would be super, thanks :)
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