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Jaylah Sass

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Posts posted by Jaylah Sass

  1. On 4/25/2020 at 2:34 PM, Phyllla said:

    So i've tried and i've tried, but i just cant seem to make an avi on my own. its such a chore to navigate SL's menus to try to get it done, and after a long hiatus i'm back at square one of learning. 

    Is there anyone out there that knows who to go to, or what channels to get an avatar made for me? ((NSFW likely)) I dont have the patience to try to make an Avi myself anymore, and just want to hang out with my friends.

    Message me in world or send me a message here, I've been in SL for 12 years and would be happy to help.

  2. I'm a roleplayer and I've done some really dark and controversial storylines... but never while they were actually happening in real time.

    It's fine to incorporate RL topics into your RP, and to each your own, but don't you think the timing of this is kind of in poor taste? Most people are coming to RP and SL for escapism. 

    • Like 2
  3. How do you celebrate holiday occasions in SL? Do you decorate, attend events, dress up?

    Share any pictures or memories you have and come back and share for any of the holidays throughout the year!

    For Christmas, we like to put full perm gift boxes under the tree with gacha gifts inside and open them up! Our tree was stacked this year. 


    Another year for my birthday, two close friends at the time threw me a surprise party and they had someone come sing live on our parcel. It's honestly one of my best birthday memories, RL/SL included!


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  4. I just switched to Legacy. I've been loyal to Maitreya for years and nothing has made me want to switch until I tried Legacy and instantly fell in love. Maitreya wasn't curvy enough for the look I wanted, but Belleza was too much. I've found this to be a perfect middle. 😍 Here's a comparison .. Legacy 1st pic, Maitreya 2nd .. Legacy just looks so much more feminine in my opinion. 



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  5. Hi! Apologies if this already exists, I've not been able to find it.


    I'm looking for a script that would be able to invite people to various roles within a group.


    For example .. Object 1 invites to Role A. Object 2 invites to Role B, and so on.


    Does anyone know if anything like this exists or if someone is able to create it, I would love to work with you. I need some various group related scripts and would love to talk out my intentions in more detail so I can look to hire you. Please let me know by replying here or contacting me in world! 

  6. Style So Chic is currently looking for active bloggers.




    You are asked to blog actively about the store at least one time per month. The more, the merrier! 


    Blog spots are limited, if you are interested please contact me in world and I can provide more info. (jaylah.sass)


    If I am offline, please provide a NC so I do not miss your contact. 


    Thank you!

  7. I've been around SL for 8 years now :) Took about a year off and now that I've come back, all of my friends have moved on.

    I'm really just interested in meeting new people.  I'm very opened minded. I used to be a hardcore RP'er in SL.. it was basically all I logged onto do, and while I still write from time to time I'm more interested in just hanging out with new people and finding common interests.

    We can explore, shop, take pictures together.. sometimes I create things for fun (nothing serious), love to decorate and go dancing, go to the beach, listen to music or lounge around my tree house.


    Honestly I just love everything SL has to offer.. I just need new people to enjoy it with. Feel free to PM me in world if you feel the same way!

  8. I'm in search of someone who is great at making tattoos here in SL...

    I have tons that I love, some customized, some store bought, and my standards are pretty high. 

    The project is basically going to be a personalized full body tattoo. I'm going to be upfront and say I'm kind of picky and know what I want. But I'm very detailed and will give you a good idea.



    I'm willing to pay GOOD money for this. But the artist has to be able to be open minded to the possibility I'm going to want tweakings and things changed until I love it. Like I said I'll make it worth your time.


    Get with me in world if you're interested!

  9. I'm looking to have some basic mesh items made, mostly shirts. 

    This is going to be a for a business in a roleplay sim-- uniforms, and I'm making no money off of them, so I'd love if someone could make them at a decent price.


    I also need the ability to copy and trans so I can hand them out to other people who wear them.


    Contact me in world please so we can talk!

  10. Club Pulse is currently looking to hire DJ's and musicians to perfom for events and entertainment. 


    All acts will be paid in tips. All types of music/entertainment is welcome. Message/drop a notecard to Jaylah Sass in world for details.

  11. I have been trying to get back into SL, but it's kind of impossible right now because I can not go anywhere. Everytime I try to teleport, it disconnects me mid-way with the "darn!" error. 


    I've tried the version 2, 3, and pheonix viewer and the same problem occurs with all three. I boot and rez fine but as soon as I try to tp somewhere, boom, the error.


    Not sure what I should do, just getting frustrated. I do have the quality on low and no heavy objects/attatchments on. Just basic clothes/hair.

    I am running Mac OS X v 10.6.8. Have never had a problem playing on this macbook before.


  12. Ugh, I've been playing since about 06 and I took about a 6mo-year hiatus because life got busy. I come back and everything is so different. I'm so lost lol. And apparently my profile says I've only been a member since January? (edit, I'm assuming thats for the forum) not sure about that one either!


    So what are the main points I should know? Big changes? I'm having a hard time even getting my avie to load...don't know if it's because it's been so long or what. 


    ah, and where are the cool places to hang out these days? :) I do need some new friends, looks like my whole friends list is offline & inactive!

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