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Postmark Jensen

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Everything posted by Postmark Jensen

  1. Been active in SL since 2004, and focus on prim building and texture placement (rots and repeats -- basically making the textures line up and look great, esp good with freebies). Looking for a few hours a week working on any size build. Have created 1/3 sim horror build that for OSGrid that I lost in a HD crash, but video of it is below. TFH on Facebook Thanks for your time, Postmark Jensen
  2. Oddly enough, I stole the wing's texture from that, but glossed over anything about getting them to flap! Thanks for pointing that out!
  3. I tried a little, then a lot, of force with no luck. I'm just going to use three sets of wings, which may be better since I'll be using llSetBouyancy on the root. Thanks for your time, both of you
  4. True that float, thank you, but the child prims still just stay there statically. I believe that the intended result is to have the two child prims droop via gravity, then rise via gravity, mimicing wings. [prim2](prim1)[prim3] I might just have to make three sets of wings and cycle through their transparencies.
  5. I'm reworking a wing flapping script I found online. The original script was overly complicated so I pared it down to the following. Problem is it doesn't work. The child prims *are* set to flexible and the gravity is indeed changed, but nothing happens. Well, it appears that there is a small amount of tapering going on, but it's sporadic... Any help would be appreciated! // Gravity settings for the flaps float UP = 1.0; float DOWN = -1.0; float MID = 0.0; // Looping order of the flaps list FLAPS; // internal values integer current_flap = 0; default { state_entry() { FLAPS = [ UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, MID, MID, MID, MID ]; llSetTimerEvent( 1.0 ); } timer() { if ( current_flap >= 9 ) current_flap = 0; { llSetLinkPrimitiveParams( LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, [PRIM_FLEXIBLE, TRUE, 3, llList2Integer(FLAPS, current_flap), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 , <0, 0, 0>]); } ++current_flap; } }
  6. Thanks! You're missing a close paren here: if(!~llListFindList(gZapped,[llDetectedKey(num)]) and unfortunately the code resets llSetTimerEvent everytime someone steps on it, but after using you code I relalized that I only want the particle script fired once, and using a prim on the ground with collision_start allows me to "raise" a skeleton particle from the ground. It's far more creepy that just shooting one at the target Thanks for the help and I'm definately going to use your code for a few traps around the land! -Postmark
  7. I needed an object to detect an avatar walking by and sending a particle at them, one time only. This works but seems like there would be a more elegant way than my hack.: //SNIP all the particle code default { state_entry(){ llSetTimerEvent(1); } sensor (integer num_detected){ //llSay(0,"sensed"); av_key = llDetectedKey(0); if (old_key != av_key) MyParticle(av_key); old_key = av_key; } no_sensor(){ old_key = av_key = NULL_KEY; } timer() { llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 9, PI); } } A little help please? I left SL for a few years and am getting back on my feet again with LSL and building, so would love some input to help better me as a creator :) -Postmark
  8. Ran into the same problem today, but the source was a gif from a site. I got the file, then opened in gimp and exported as tga. Then upload to SL and upside down. So I flipped it and uploaded again. Upside down. And since this is a texture for a particle script - there ain't no flipping the prim
  9. Yup, Bub Linden. First met him when I was building in a sandbox and he punched me into another sim with a boxing glove. A few days later he set me on fire and we were close until the demize of the Lindens. Got drunk with him and a few Lindens at the first SLCC - funnier than hell guy Too bad that the human touch of the Lindens and live help is gone now...
  10. Wonderful! Just because I'm a vain little guy, I had to search the archive for my posts. Now I have 329 posts to read through SuzanneC, Bub, fun stuff! /me misses Bub...
  11. Thanks everyone -- the Plum location is sort of a historical site, which is nice; "Currently restful, but a fond living memory of what the classic Welcome Area looked like back in the day." Brought back memories
  12. Does anyone recall the name of the original starting area - where you were TPed to after orientation island? It had the hot air balloon, a few freebies, and that great shooting gallery! Personally I'd love to see LL bring it back as an Historical Site of SL. I just can't recall what sim it was on, and if that sim is even there any more. A few sims over from Olive and Indigo...
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