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Musgrave Mondegreen

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Everything posted by Musgrave Mondegreen

  1. Problem solved. I went to the Magnum Sandbox and was able to get an Experience Key using the regular process detailed in my original post. It was a frustrating problem, but I found out how valuable the forums are, so all in all it has been a good experience. Thank you all for the help.
  2. I am trying to build an Experience on my SL property and have started with a simple Teleport feature. In order for it to run for people other than myself, it has be compiled using the "Use Experience" checkbox on the editor. However, that checkbox is greyed out. I have tried all afternoon to get an Experience Key: Firestorm Viewer - Avatar--> Experiences --> Owned --> Acquire an Experience but that button is also greyed out. I also tried it on the Linden official viewer with the same result I am a Premium User, I also feel like a Stupid User right now because I cannot figure out how to get the Experience Key I need to get the Experience started. I know that I am missing something obvious - How do I get an Experience Key? Any help would be appreciated.
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