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Jayden Angelus

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Everything posted by Jayden Angelus

  1. Thank you all for your help and answers.. this was driving my crazy. Well, it still kind of is, but at least I understand what is happening now. I also apologize if my code was not up to par... part is I am amatuer-in-learning and part was I had literally tried everything I could think of to get the script to reset (Be glad I omitted some of the crazier things I tried, lol) At least I now have some serious alternatives to work with and avoid this mess altogether. Thank all of you, again! Jay
  2. (Hands you a fresh cup of coffee ) And this is exactly what I was banging my head against and totally not understanding. Thank you for explaining what is now painfully obvious. I knew what the script was doing, just not why it was doing it. I will definitely be wary of any more "infinite" loops, lol.
  3. Ok, Peter, you answered part of my question.. and oh well to that, lol. Ok, the other part is that cpos does NOT return to ZERO_VECTOR, it retains the position that the object had when it was initially rezzed as a new object. So, no matter where I rez it now, or where I set this script to running, the object immediately jumps back to its original rezzed position. I can't figure out how to 'erase' the scripts memory of this. I hope that makes better sense.. if not, I will try again. As for the result, I just want to rez this, have it move as indicated while rezzed, (without jumping half a sim away) and I can live without being able to break the loop. Derezzing to stop it works fine for what I am using it for. And thanks for answering so fast Edit: Thanks for that link to KeyFramedMotion.... awesome!
  4. A few questions on the script below, most of which I tried to add in the script comments. Main one being is what am I doing wrong that I am not getting a correct and updated llGetPos() ? No matter what, it returns the original rezzed coordinates from when the prim was first rezzed. This is actually in a Rez from another object which is why I added the On_Rez/Reset which seems to get skipped. I've gotten around this by storing the rez object with a clean copy of this script turned off and having it turned on after rez by another script. It just seems like a long way around to get where I am trying to go :) The other question is breaking an infinite loop, is there a way to do this? Or again, am I just going about this all backwards? I appreciate any advice or suggestions here :) string msg ="ON"; vector cpos = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>; //Ignored? float change = 0.725; default { on_rez(integer start_param) {llResetScript();} //Not happening? state_entry() { vector cpos = (llGetPos()); //Returns incorrectly position, have also tried llGetLocalPos(); while (msg = "ON") //My ugly way of making an endless loop, that I really didn't want completely endless { cpos.z += change; llSetPos(cpos); //Pops to original rezzed position even if rerezzed, unless script is manually reset. cpos.z -= change; llSetPos(cpos); //Anyway to break from this loop? } } }
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