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Rana Audion

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  1. I went onto the marketplace and ordered several orders (possibly over 40 items all told by the time I was done, maybe less though). But I only got half of the things I ordered. The rest never came. I don't want to go look for them all over again cause I can't remember their names and it took a long time to find them in the first place with tags. I did not spend anything, they were free. But I still want them badly. What happened to the things I ordered? I believe I DID get confirmation orders for each seperate order in my e-mail. Is there a place to review my order, so at least if I have to re-order, then I know what names to search for in marketplace? Or is there a way to get the things I already ordered without re-trying? edit - I am using my alt, please ignore that my title is Rana Audion XD
  2. I know I already posted about login issues, but this time it's different...and more confusing! For the record: I use the latest Phoenix Viewer now, but when the problem started I had the older Phoenix. I use wireless broadband even though doing so makes my viewer says it's not going to work. Why? Because I have used wireless broadband with no problems whatsoever this whole time. Even with wireless, SL has been fast, detailed and bearable if sluggish sometimes. I have been on SL for about ten hours at a time or more, no issues. The Problem: I brought my laptop and wireless broadband to another house. Now ever since I got here I cannot stay logged in. I can log in, but after about two minutes, before I can even rezz beyond the floating cloud, I get this: "You have been logged out of Second Life" and I am logged out. I have attempted to set a start location in various places to see if starting somewhere else would work. Didn't work. I have cleared catche. Didn't work. I have worked on my computer's registry errors, didn't work. I can't figure out how to change my browser's DNS because the instructions I found were for earlier Windows versions and I don't know where to find similar options. So that's not gonna work. I have rebaked, re-fixed my SL Viewer Preferences, gotten my avatar naked. Nada. I still keep getting logged out. Sooo... Is my problem that I'm trying to access at a different house? Is the problem that this house has a very weak signal? Do I have to wait till I get back to my house, origin point, to play SL? Or is this something fixable, and I can play SL no matter where I take my laptop? (i think I can because I managed to play SL while in town before, miles away from home) If it is fixable from where I am, what do I need to do to be able to play for more than two minutes before being logged out? EDIT: It is EXACTLY like the problem some Phoenix users have had. I log in at 10, 10, 10 (with different names for the same location? o.o ) with a sea of blue and loading inventory and contacts and no landmarks. A very short time later I am logged out with that error message. Only with me, I have tried several different viewers. Viewer 2, Phoenix of course, and viewer 1, all of them log me out like this and if I try to log in at another location, it says I cannot start there and moves me to 10, 10 ,10.
  3. So many different error messages, the same problem. I cannot log in. If I do manage to get logged in, I'm not on for five minutes before it tells me that I have been logged out. Not to mention while I'm logged in all I get is a strange blue screen where I can't see anything of where I am but blue, not even myself or my name. I get an error message that says DNS cannot resolve the host name...I get a different message the next time that says they are sorry, something went wrong, despite their best efforts they could not log me on...I've gotten another that said something similar, can't remember it now. But I'm getting lots of error messages for the same thing...I cannot log on, and if I do, it logs me out very quickly or crashes. What could be wrong?
  4. My avvie looks fine to me, but my mate and others keep telling me I'm half naked! I am wearing a shirt, I can see it, but they can't. I can't go around half naked like this because I have a child avatar and dancing or necking with my mate can be considered age play if I keep on being half naked. What's wrong here? How can my avvie look fully clothed to me but naked to others? FYI my browser is Phoenix. Thank you, all of you! I'm not entirely sure it worked, but no one has said anything to me about being a nekkid cub so far so I can only guess it was sucessful. :D I rebaked, tested my avatar using the advanced menu, cleared my catche, saved my character as an outfit so I have all the parts when I need them, and put them back on again. :3 So I think i'm good now.
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