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Garyth Trevellion

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  1. In addition to the sound advice that others have already given, here are several links to the Flickr galleries of more creators who do male skin appliers for mesh heads/bodies to help your browse ahead of time before visiting any store locations inworld: Stray Dog: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gac_akina/ Clef De Peau: https://www.flickr.com/photos/marcopol_oh/ The Skinnery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/umazuma/ Not Found: https://www.flickr.com/photos/juliiocoast/ Session Skins: https://www.flickr.com/photos/anj4/ L'etre: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130578934@N04/ There is plenty more skin creators out there though! Good ones at that too.
  2. @Marianne Little Yes, I have the male legacy body - now part of my ever growing collection of mesh bodies that I've decided to try out and use over the years. As for whether the body has a 'no muscle' option in the skin options - well there isn't like a specific option which is spelt out clearly. In the default skin options - you have 12 skin tones/options. The neck blenders ( if you're trying to match the default skins with head appliers of another skin brand) - you have 36 different tones to work with. For nail tones, you have the default 12 natural tones to match the skins, then you have another 32 nail polish tones in all sorts of colours on top of that. The default skin tones are tint friendly as well in my experiments using the advanced editor HUD the legacy body comes with which allows for custom tinting as well too for further refinement. The body does come with clothing - underwear, along with a set of shoes, pants and long sleeved top in several different colours. Specific male legacy body fitted clothing from creators has started to come out, however I've found that from my existing wardrobe - my Gianni fitted clothing works pretty well with the male legacy body fit-wise without having to resort to using the deformer, but still with the use of alpha slices to hide body parts that may clip through as need be. Anyway, back to the matter of a 'no muscled' look on the body. For a less defined look around the abs / muscles etc - you would select one of the lighter body skin tones essentially, because the darker you go in choice of the skin tone .. the more pronounced the muscle definition is on the skin I have noticed. Even on the darker range of the default skin tones, I don't think the muscle definition is too excessive. There are other considerations to keep in mind as well - such as how strong you set the body shine and bump map settings on the body as well, with the extra definition/fidelity which materials/advanced lighting brings to the table. Also of course is what your muscle sliders, body fat settings... body thickness etc are at. I do like how the male legacy body can adapt in terms of body shape from going for a more lean, skinny look... to a more muscular, beefy... or a heavier, rounder appearance and still keep things fairly balanced. The male version of the body actually comes with over a half-dozen different body shapes included ( which are copy/mod). that are labelled as 'swimmer', 'lean', 'strong', 'beefy', 'massive' etc and have varying height options even to help show off that versatility and also make for a good reference/starting point for someone to do even further fine tuning to the body shape to suit their needs ( as I did ) . And of course make whatever changes to face shape settings also so it would work with whatever bento mesh head they are using. For me personally, I founded the inclusion of the sample body shapes helpful. It helped save me time in working out what would be good shape settings for the legacy body that look good and suit my preferences and needs. Since I do like to create different avatars, experiment with different looks, physiques and so forth... use for RP etc. And I've found that you can't just use one universal body shape that would work well for all mesh bodies - you will have to fine tune and make adjustments accordingly. With all that said, I still use my other mesh bodies like Gianni and Jake regularly which are both good. Even use my Slink or Aesthetic at times too. In the half dozen weeks since I first got the Male Legacy Body, I have used it often and frequently though. It's not perfect ( but then none of the other bodies are really) - however I like what's been done with it and I don't regret the purchase at all. It suits my purposes and needs.
  3. I've noticed there have been some further queries about the applier kit for the legacy body in this forum thread. So here is some further bits of information. 1. Yes, the skin template they provide at http://www.meshbody.com/create is based on the SL-UV map. 2. Appliers made for the Legacy body - they actually call them 'Styles' which is are pretty much created like other Applier HUDs. In the applier kit provided, there are scripts which you must include in the applier, as well as style notecards you fill out to configure the applier. Like entering the UUIDs for the base textures that you've uploaded which you intend to use - whether it be for full skins.. or tattoos.. freckles etc etc. You can also configure settings like tint, glossiness and such as well if you intend on having your appliers make use of bump maps/speculars for materials too ( which you also enter the UUIDs of those for too in the notecards.) 3. Also to spell it clearly, according to the help notecards provided in the kit - appliers made using the new kit don't need to rely on any external server to function - as detailed in the following passage I've copied from it: "Styles can be created like most Applier HUDs, and will work offline without relying on an external server for customers to use them. However, one bonus is that Styles are also embedded to support advanced filtering capabilities via the optional web-based browsing HUD, choose appropriately so that your content shows correctly on a user's browser and does not break with future updates." 4. The Legacy applier kit is pretty much more freely accessible. The scripts/notecards in the kit which came with the legacy body are actually copy/transferable. So, yeah if I wanted to pass on the relevant files needed to someone else inworld - it can be easily done. Especially if they're interested in looking at the applier kit first, before potentially purchasing the body. 5. And as Shandi has just described in her recent post, the Legacy mesh body comes with an Advanced Materials Editor/ HUD. which will let you load in custom details. Essentially that lets you apply custom tints to the body, or let you load custom materials...or skins/tattoos/scars / freckles etc you've created and uploaded. . It's pretty simple enough to use - you select the layer you wish to set the relevant texture that you've uploaded to SL, and then drag the texture onto the relevant icon / section on the HUD. As a result, it's an easy way to load and test your applier creations first. ... before you actually go through the actual hassle of setting up the notecards etc for the actual applier HUD if you plan on selling to others etc. 6. Regarding Legacy Updates - people can keep track of them here on their website: https://www.meshbody.com/updates/ . A redelivery terminal has been set up inworld if anyone hasn't received any of the updates. 7. Anyone interested in the chance to potentially get the legacy body for free? Or if already purchased.. potentially get reimbursed? On their new facebook they've set up, they have a giveaway contest/draw running. There is also a Father's Day gifting special running too with a $500L discount on purchases. . https://www.facebook.com/shopavatars 8. Regarding Omega Support - Legacy folks did look into it, but it didn't pan out for various reasons at the time. In their new facebook that I linked above, you can find explanations in the comments if you did deep enough.. which I'll repost here below for people's benefit: "We've noted the request for Omega and while it's not currently available, we plan on looking into it again after we get some major things out of the way. Just a heads up that we did try implementing it before release mid last-year, but due to a few complications due to security and also the fact that our body has more layers than other bodies and is designed quite a bit differently it just didn't work out at the time. Perhaps a second look with more time will result in a different outcome. We certainly won't forget about it, we just don't want to make any promises in case it doesn't. x " There is also this other answer when someone else asked if about omega support in future: "If they do it will only be useful for tattoos. It unfortunately won't work with body skins, as with the case for most bodies (Maitreya, Belleza, etc), each body has unique feet/hand mapping. Legacy mapping is closest to the default Linden template but most skins and bodies are not. We will try looking into this again after some things are out of the way if people would still like it " 9. Regarding original TMP tattoos/skins being useable on the Legacy Body - I had mentioned that if you had 3rd party skin appliers/tattoos installed on the original TMP body and that they would show in the new Legacy HUD as options also. I should note that I have since learnt that's true only if they were added before October 2018 on the HUD used for the old body. And that's about it. Hope this helps clarify some things for people about Legacy and make more. informed decisions about whether to try it... or not!
  4. And for anyone who may be at all interested - you can actually find a more full list of creators here who are supporting the Legacy body on their website: https://www.meshbody.com/shop Over 100 designers/shops so far.. and apparently still growing. Also on their website, anyone interested in creating appliers etc for the legacy body to use with the applier kit that now comes with the body - they can download the PSD templates to work from here: https://www.meshbody.com/create As for the skin issue with Legacy, yes with the body being so new - there isn't much in the way around currently with regards to third party skins. For women, Essences being one. Deetalez is another which has come up with a neck fade workaround. That said, if by some chance you owned the original TMP body (male or female) from years ago, and you actually bought and installed third party skin appliers/tattoos for it back then .... if you happen to buy the new body now... you will actually find your old 3rd party skin appliers or tattoos from back then pre-loaded in the HUD for the new body as style options, along with the new, default built in skin tones. For example, skin appliers from Aeros which I first used in the original TMP body (a body which has been mostly collecting dust since I use Gianni or Belleza Jake nowadays up to now).... in the new legacy body - I found that my aeros appliers from back then were skin options in the new legacy hud ( along with other skin brands I had used back then.) Of course there is the question of whether you'd want to use old body appliers from back then... however some still hold up pretty well.
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