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Ashling Alchemi

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Blog Comments posted by Ashling Alchemi

  1. I dunno.  As someone who's worked in criminal law (but is not an attorney) I think this is more akin to a 15 year old peeping tom that peeks through your curtains.  Although I know that in many cases DA's don't care much about intent, and that what happens on the internet is a HUGE gray area even just in matters of jurisdiction, you're far more likely to get arrested from making direct lude contact in IM or exchanging real naked photos of yourselves than having some teen perv cam your private lot.  And I think we all agree that anyone that does that should be arrested and that SL is not free from those sorts of people.  It's bad enough that there are adults posing as child avi's and engaging in some disturbing ageplay, despite any rule/law violations.  I'd hate to see actual kids exposed to that.

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